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"YOU GUYS AREN'T gonna dress like that once you guys get in, are you?" derek asked you three

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"YOU GUYS AREN'T gonna dress like that once you guys get in, are you?" derek asked you three

"oh, hell no" you shook you head with a laugh "that's not gonna happen" sid agreed with you "i'd rather choke" tatum said

"the Delta Lambdas are the biggest bunch of fuckin'—"

"hey! i'm pledging Delta Lambda, thank you" hallie interrupted mickey's rude comment

derek and mickey gave each other a look before deciding to drop the topic

"oh, my god" tatum stood up "what?" you asked, looking in the same direction as tatum

"holy shit" you smiled at the sight of dewey, quickly running over to him with tatum in front of you and sid right behind you

"dewey?" tate called, he quickly turned to see his three sisters running towards him with smiles on their faces

"hi!" you smiled as the three of you hugged him, dewey smiled along with you before speaking "can we talk?" dewey asked you three "yeah, of course" sid answered

"how you guys holding up? you guys okay?" dewey asked "yeah, we keep getting harassed by theses obnoxious girls" you answered with a laugh

dewey smiled before getting serious "i heard about what happened, i was on the next plane" he said "i was worried about you three" he added

"look, if there is i some freaked-out psycho trying to follow in... their footsteps, you probably already know them" dewey said

"they're probably already in your life" dewey turned to you, you just looked down "they get off on that" he added

"i just want you guys to be careful" dewey said "we are" tate said, resting her hand on top of dewey's

"just.. what are we supposed to do?" sid asked "are we supposed to just cut everybody off? crawl under a rock? what?" sid asked

dewey let out a sigh before replying "just watch out. keep an eye out" he said "i'm gonna talk to chief hartley and the local police, i'm gonna just hang around" dewey informed

"i wanna make sure you guys are safe, if that's all right with you" dewey said, looking at the three of you "yeah" you and sid smiled "we'd be honored" tate slightly joked

"all right" dewey whispered with a smile before limping away

"hey" sid greeted her boyfriend "hey, you okay?" derek asked sidney "uh-huh" sid replied "who was that guy?" mickey asked you

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