First Mission And New Friends

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"CAW CAW SOUTHEAST SHOUTEAST WOMEN HAVE BEEN DISSAPEARING AT NIGHT" The crow said"Alright we need to get going"Tanjiro said"Alright be safe"Uroradaki said

Timeskip to the village (Dawn)
As me and Tanjiro arrived at the village we heard people talk about someone named kazumi"Excuse me but who is this Kazumi you're talking about?"Tanjiro asked"That's him his Fiance dissapeared randomly yesterday"The villager said"Thank you for your information"Tanjiro thanked him and then we went to Kazumi"Excuse me are you Kazumi"Tanjiro asked"Yes i am"He said"Can you take us to the place where your Fiance dissapeared"Tanjiro asked"Yes"Kazumi replied
Small Time Skip (Night)
As we were walking Tanjiro found the Demons scent and ran off to follow it"Hey wait up!"I shouted the we ran to a house which looked to be empty until we heard a scream and Tanjiro ran after the scent and stabbed the groud and some black liquid appeared on the ground and the demon appeared from the black liquid while holding a woman i ran to the demon and grabbed the woman and jumped back a demon was about to attack Tanjiro from behind but before the demon could nezuko kicked the box open and kicked the demon"Kazumi take care of her while me and Tanjiro handle this"I said as i gave him the woman i tried to go for the demons neck but i missed an cut his arm"Do you think this is enough to defeat me this will heal in a matter of seconds"The demon said i look over to Tanjiro who jumped in the black liquid"Your friend went in the swamp he is dead for sure"The demon said this angered me as i went for his neck and cut it giving him a death stare at the same time"WHAT HOW COULD I LOSE TO A WEAK HUMAN LIKE YOU ESPECIALLY A CHILD"The demon said as it died and at the same time tanjiro got out from the swamp"are you ok?"I asked Tanjiro"Yes i'm fine what about you two"he asked me and Kazumi i nodded as a yes and Kazumi"Am i ok HOW COULD I BE OK AFTER LOSING MY FIANCE YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND YOU BOTH ARE JUST KIDS"He shouted as he grabbed Tanjiro by his collar he just pushed his hands away and said nothing he was just smiling as for me i just stared at the ground as i remembered that night almost tearing up Nezuko patted my head and i hugged her and she hugged back as i was almost crying
Timeskip To Next mission
As me and Tanjiro were walking to a noodle stand me and Tanjiro were talking"Who is Muzan?"i asked"He is the one who killed my family"Tanjiro said"i'm sorry"i said as i hugged him he hugged back"it's ok"he replied a few minutes later we got to the noodle stand"this looks good"i said as i began eating but begore i could finnish Tanjiro dropped his bowl"Tanjiro?"i asked worried then he began running and i chased after him"Tanjiro wait up!"i said after running he grabbed on to a mans shoulder who looked way too familiar to forget but before me and Tanjiro could do anything we heard someone"Daddy who are these pepole?"the child asked"i don't know can i help you two?"he said"Honey are you ok?"a woman said  'he is pretending to be a human' i thought to myself"Yes i'm fine how can i help you"he asked 'shit those earrings' muzan thought to himself as he scratched a mans neck turning him into a demon and as we were trying to stop the demon muzan left with his 'family' "MUZAN KIBUTSUJI I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU FOR WHAT YOU DID I WILL HUNT YOU UNTIL I DIE!" Tanjiro screamed as we were trying to not let the demon attack the people and as we were trying to stop the demon some wierd smoke surrounded us and we saw a lady "you two can go i will handle this" The lady said and me and Tanjiro went back to the noodle stand and Tanjiro got scolded by the person selling the noodles and as i finished my bowl Tanjiro was on his second and finished that too he turned around and there was a demon boy"come with me lady Tamayo want to see you"he said"and who is that eyesore"he said and well you all know what happened next
As we arrived at the house and Tanjiro was done telling the boy about Nezuko
We entered the room and there was that same lady"Hello my name is Tamayo and this is my assistant Yushiro"she said we went to another room and i was playing rps with Nezuko while Tanjiro and Tamayo were talking"Hey you"Yushiro said"Listen to what lady Tamayo is saying"he said while being angry for me not listening me and Nezuko conteniued to play (the score was 2-5 with Y/n losing)
Yushiro got annoyed of me not listening so he punched me which caused A broken rib and Nezuko got mad about this so she punched Yushiro in the face and he was sent flying to the other side of the room"Nezuko why did you hit him"Tanjiro asked worried"Mph Mpph"she said"So Yushiro punched Y/n breaking his rib"Tanjiro said while giving Yushiro a death glare"I'm fine"i tried saying but Tanjiro still didn't stop his death glare which made Yushiro nervous "Sun breathing 1st form:Dance"i said while unsheating my sword Tanjiro realised what i was doing"Get down!"he said as i cut a temari ball in half and the wall was broken revealing 2 demons one with temari balls and one with eyes on his hands"Temari i told you not to be so careless"The other demon said"i don't care we need to bring those kids heads both of them" The temari ball demon said throwing another ball which Tanjiro cut"water breathing 2nd form water wheel" Tanjiro said as he tried attacking the temari ball demon who threw a temari ball at Tanjiro meanwhile i attacked the arrow demon who was throwing me around"Can't you see the arrows"Yushiro asked annoyed"what arrows?"i asked"here"he said putting a paper on my forehead"thanks"i said as i dodged another arrow i went for his neck as he sent a lot of arroms towards me"Sun breathing burning bones summer sun"i said as the arrows were redirected and i cut his neck and before he died he sent arrows at me that threw me through a wall and i was knocked out and bleeding a lot from the impact
I woke up on a bed in a room i tried to sit up but i felt a lot of pain and laid back down and i heard the door open and there was Tanjiro "Y/n you're awake" He said"What happened?"i asked"The arrow demon threw you through a wall"he said"are you ok?"i asked"yes"he replied
Then Tamayo walked in the room"How are you feeling?"she asked"It hurts when i try to situp and my head hurts"i said"Ok can i ask a few questions?"she asked"ok"i replied"how do you know sun breathing "she asked"Yoriichi taught me"i said which shocked her"But he is dead how did you meet him"she asked" I think it's called a mindscape"i said"i see well you should get some rest"she said as she left the room"Hey tanjiro where is Nezuko?"i asked"oh she is sleeping"he replied"oh ok"i said and went to sleep
As i woke up i went to get ready and i saw Tanjiro and Nezuko talking with them i went to the room they were in
"Good morning" I said and after a bit of talking me and Tanjiro were on our way to our next mission
Timeskip An Hour Later
As Me and Tanjiro were walking to our next mission we saw a yellow haired boy conteniuesly asking a random woman to marry him Tanjiro walked up to him and grabbed him and started scolding him as i was just watching
Timeskip To The House
"Do you hear that noise!"Zenitsu said
"What noise?"me and Tanjiro asked
"Hey look there are some kids there" I said while pointing at them(i forgot their names so i'll just put b/n=boy name and g/n=girl name)"What's your name"I asked the boy"B/n"The boy said"I'm Y/n"i said trying to Comfort them as we were talking we saw someone fall from the window who was a man and he was dead"AAHHH TANJIRO IS HE DEAD"Zenitsu asked scared
Timeskip A Few Minutes
As i was watching the two kids who were a little bit younger than me a random boarhead tried to attack nezukos box i quickly blocked the attack"What are you doing getting in the way of Great Inosuke"he said as he tried attacking again unfortunately he slashed my arm making it bleed a lot but i still was able to use it but before i could he kicked me breaking one of my ribs so i punched back breaking three of his ribs and got his swords i threw them in a bush along with my sword and started defending nezukos box we were trading punches as Tanjiro and Zenitsu got out of the house this me distracted and inosuke landed a punch on my stomach which got Tanjiro mad and he headbutted Inosuke knocking him out and as for me i collapsed from the bloodloss but before i could hit the floor Tanjiro chaught me
"Y/n are you okay?" He asked worryingly
"Im fin-" Before i could finnish i passed out from bloodloss"Y/N!"Tanjiro shouted
Timeskip To The Wisteria House
I woke up in a house i wasn't fammiliar with and as i stood up and tried using my left arm i felt a lot of pain but ignored it and went to find Tanjiro "Tanjiro-Nii" I said as i entered the room where he was in"What did you call me Y/n?"he asked confused"Tanjiro-nii can i call you that you and Nezuko are like a family to me and can i call Nezuko Nee-san"i asked"of course"he said which made me happy"where is Nezuko?"i asked"She's still in her box"he said"Ok where are those two?"i asked"they are getting a checkup"he said"why?"I asked"you and Inosuke fought remember and Zenitsu and i got injured while fighting a demon"he said"oh ok"i replied
As we were in our room Inosuke asked to fight me for the 100th time"For the last time no"I said annoyed"Why you scared"he said"No it's because you slashed my arm and i can't use it properly"i said"fine"he replied'finally i thought to myself as i heard Nezuko scratching her box"AAAAAHHHH MONSTERRRR"Zenitsu screamed and Nezuko came out of the box"Nee-San"i ran up to her and hugged her and she hugged back meanwhile Zenitsu tried attacking Tanjiro for having a girl with him and after a few minutes he started simping like crazy"Neezuukoo-Chaaaannn~"he said as i gave him a death glare which made him shut up"TANJIRO Y/N WON'T LET ME SPEAK TO NEZUKO!"he whined"OMG SHUT THE FUCK UP!"Inosuke yelled"What's fuck?"i asked Inosuke and Zenitsu were about to say something but before they could Nezuko and Tanjiro gave them a death glare which made them be quiet"now now y/n that's a bad word so you can't say it"Tanjiro said"Ok"i replied i tried to sleep which was nearly impossible because zenitsu was simping"Nee-san hug"i said as she accepted the hug and i fell asleep while hugging her and of course Zenitsu got jealous that i got to hug Nezuko and started whining which made Inosuke knock him out because he was annoyef
Timeskip To Morning
As i woke up i realised that there was a blanket on top of me and nezuko i tried getting up but i felt arms hugging me as i remembered that i fell asleep hugging Nezuko "Nee-san" I tried waking her up but she didn't"Nee-san"i tried again and she woke up"Good morning Nee-san" I said"Hmph hmph"she said i got up and took the box and she went in and i closed the door and tried to wake Tanjiro up"Tanjiro-nii"i tried waking him up which worked"Good morning Tanjiro-nii"I said"Good morning Y/n"
As we were waiting for the crow and the two the crow came and told us our mission"CAW CAW HEAD TO MT NATGUMO HEAD TO MT NATAGUMO"the crow said as we were leaving the old lady from the wisteria house gave us sparks of good luck and as everyone was introducing them selves it was tanjiros turn"my name is Tanjiro kamado"he introduced himself"gonpachro kamoboko fight me"Inosuke said"no"Tanjiro replied after everyone was done introducing them selves we went on our way to mt natagumo
                       Tashio secrets

-Nezuko and Tanjiro see Y/n as their little brother

-Y/n doesn't like places with alot of people

-Y/n is 127 cm tall and he is 8 years old

-Y/n sometimes meets Yoriichi and Michikatsu one at the time or at the same time

Sorry that this chapter was late and for bad spelling
Thank you all for over a 100 reads i appreciate it

Next chapter will probably be inside this week so yea have a great day bye

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