11: distance

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                   Daisuke Pov

I just got to my parents house
As i open the door my parents are waiting for me

'oh is this daisuke? He grown' anna's mother says while smiling
'Oh yes Mrs.Jonz that's my son'
My mother says
"So what's this about?" I said
'You're getting married kambe'
Anna's mother spoke
"I already have a fiancee" i said
As i sat down beside my mom
'Yes Mrs.Jonz he already have fiancee' as my mother spoke

'Well now that's his ex , they just call off the engagement last two months' my father lies

My mother's face is worrying about me as i sigh she held my hand as i smile at her
'Well then if there's anything wrong then lets make them married' Anna's mother spoke
'Alright son can you sign the contract?' My father says
" i will not father , i have a fiancee
And you lied to Mrs.Jonz , Mrs. Jonz im so sorry but i have a fiancee already and i really love her , i can't just leave her like that
And my  mother knows she's my fiancee " i say 

'It's alright kid, alright im gonna go home' Mrs. Jonz says
"Have a safe ride Mrs.Jonz" you said

"Alright im done with your bullshit father , stop baiting me in your fucking company it's all your 
Fault why your company is going down , you even left us behind just because you really wanted money , if want money work on your own and do not make a fuss in my family , now get the fuck out here" i shouted to my father as he glare at me and says
'shame of you' and walk away

"Mother are you alright?" I say in a worry tone
'Yes darling , no need to worry'
As she hugged

Can i be him

I started to cry in my mothers shoulder " im so sorry mother'
I said 'No don't be sorry , you just wanted to show how mad you are to your father ' as she rub my head gently

"What am i gonna do mother?
I think i just make Y/n cry  because i said that i still loved anna" as i wipe my tears
'Oh sweetheart, you need to apologize and explain everything to her , i know Y/n is a good girl'
My mother advised me
"Thank you for telling me that mother love yah" as i leave to my house 

               BACK TO Y/N POV

Im at eren's house

'And then what happen?' Ren says
"He said he still loved her" i says holding my tear
'That bastard,. and y/n where's kambe now' ren says
"Well, probably signing the contract marriage, i took off the ring that he give me" as i looked at my hands empty and my tear drops
'It's gonna be okay Y/n, i know you love him so much' ren says as he rub my back gently
I cover my face with my hands
'How bout let's go  to vegas tomorrow?' Ren says
"Alright" i chuckled
'Mmmh alright let's sleep' he says
As he hug me

You both go to your own rooms
You slowly closed your door
As Eren says 'hey'
I look at him in a confusion

Goodnight' he complete and smile
As i respond "night ren" we close
Each other's door

You lay down to your bed
And thinking why would daisuke
Sign the contract
Let's just sleep right now your going to Las Vegas Tomorrow with ren you said to yourself

< Daisuke pov >

I just got home and my fiancee is not home i sigh
"Where did she go?" I asked my
Self as i sigh
I take off my shirt as i lay in my bed empty you look at the left side
Where Y/n always sleep i chuckled as i remembered her waking up in my bed everyday
"Let's just sleep , tomorrow i will
Explain to Y/n everything" i said to myself as i sigh again

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