(Page 4, Chap 1)

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You're in the middle of taking your shoes off, trying to untie them but they've gotten caught in a knot.

"Shit, the lace is stuck"
You say fiddling with it, trying to find a part to yank on and actually untie.

"What the fuck are you doing"
Micheal huffed, kneeling down to help you untie your lace

"I- don't 'what the fuck' me, my lace is caught. I told you but you weren't listening !!"
You reply, rolling your eyes

You and Micheal both break into laughter, while you're both laughing he managed to untie your shoe, he also untied your other one for you.

"Oh, thanks Mike"
you smiled, then kicked off both your shoes and jump up from the ground. You look down at Mike still on his ass, you huff and tap your foot on the floor.

"Why're you still sitting down ??"
You watched him untie his shoes quickly

"Taking my shoes off ??? What else ?"
He says looking up at you, his eyebrows furrowed and kicking his shoes off in an odd way.

"Okay then weirdo.."
You chuckled putting your hand out for him to grab onto to get up.

He takes your hand and you yank him up smiling, you keep ahold of his hand, picking up your own shoes from the floor. You look at him, then look afar to the water, you start running over to a spot close to the sea, yanking Mike behind you, laughing.
You place your shoes down on the warm sand, Mike does the same but in a more careless manner, like, throwing them on the sand. Getting sand in your shoe in the process, you didn't really care cause you wouldn't wear them walking back home.

"Last one to the sea is a rotten egg !!!"
You scream getting a head start sprinting down to the water, flicking sand behind you every time you take a step.

"That's no fuckin fair !!??"
Mike shouts running behind you. He starts catching up to you almost getting the lead of the race, you keep sprinting like there's no tomorrow, with the wind flowing back into your face just to prove to him your faster than him. You're in the lead and you finally get to the water, it's absolutely freezing but it's so refreshing and cooling cause of how hot it is.

"HAH !!! I'm.. I'm the fastest out of the two of us, take that you.. wanker"
You yell panting and out of breath

"Oh shut up.. you got a head start"
Mike says in a quieter tone, while trying to catch his breath

You flop down in the shallow water causing it to splash a little on mikes leg, in response to that he kicks a little bit of water at you while snickering.

"Ew !!! That got in my fuckin mouth"
You shout spitting and getting the saltiness out your mouth. It's taste like anchovies. It's not nice. Mike starts laughing his head off, he starts laughing that much he falls backwards and little bits of water splash into your face again.

"Oh for fuck sake !! Mike quit it, it's in my mouth again !!!"
You start spitting salty water out your mouth again, so fuckin bitter. Reminds you of that time you first had anchovies cause your granddad forced you to. Yet again , no nice.

Mike continues to laugh until he can't breathe and his eyes start to tear up, he's basically just rolling about the water at this point getting water and sand all over his clothes. Pure fuckin pissin himself.
You huff and roll your eyes

"Right then, let's go"
you get up, your ass wet and water dripping down the back of your thigh

"What -? Where ???"
Mike questions you, you let out your hand for him to get up. He takes your hand and yanks you down, making you fall over into the water on top of him.

"Awh, you absolute fud"
You start laughing.

Your faces are so close to one an others, just inches away. You're both looking into each others eyes, ever since you laid your eyes onto his you couldn't get over them. His were a gorgeous brown colour, they sparkled so beautifully in the light. I mean, In general he was so pretty, everything about him just goes amazingly together. All you could focus on was him, just him, nothing else.
A bit of hair got in your face and before you could move it, Mike does it for you. He starts smiling, that dumb gab in his teeth. It's the cutest thing ever. You love it. When he smiles you do to, it's just an automatic thing. But It's just now clicked that you are on top of Mike, you are on your knees on top of Mike, you're still holding his hand as well. Your face starts to go bright red, you quickly move yourself off of him almost falling over and breaking into a slight sweat, you knew you got really close to him but not THAT CLOSE.

"Erm- Let's go further into the water"
You get up and start running further into the freezing cold water, just under hip level, it got harder to run, but you managed. You ended up leaving Mike behind, poor guy, he's probably really confused. But meanwhile you're totally embarrassed.

"What the fuck was that ???"
You thought, panicked. I mean he didn't move away, so.. maybe he liked it ? No, why would he ?? That's dumb. He's not that type of guy, he'd never do that, never..

You felt something grab your wrist firmly, you get a fright cause of how lost in thought you were and how firm/tight the grip was. But of course it was Mike.

"SHIT- Mike !! That scared the shit ou-"
As you tried to speak Mike pulled you in close, your cold bodies touching in the water but it got warmer after a few seconds cause of body heat. His arms slowly snaking around your waist, trying to pull you closer, like he never wants to let go. Your faces so close together, you stare into his eyes, he's staring right back at you. You're both admiring each other's faces, Mike starts taking glances at your lips, you begin wrapping your arms around his neck. Making your faces even more close to each other's, you can feel his breathe on your face.. you start closing your eyes moving just inches closer to him. You kiss him, he holds you tighter, you can feel the cold air brushing past your bodies. The cold water become warmer beneath your legs because you've gotten used to it and it slowly splashing you and Mike while your both still kissing. You move your hands to his face, basically cupping his cheeks. You both slowly let go from the kiss as the sun starts to set, you look at him, he starts smiling and going a little red. You did too, you softly placed your head on his chest.. watching the sun set a little more.


"Wanna go back to my house ? You can stay over if you'd like, my grandparents wouldn't mind.."
You say smiling and walking back to shore

"Sure, but I need clothes"
He says slightly concerned

"I've got some, don't worry !"
You both make it back to shore and you both pick up your shoes and socks, Mike grabs his and starts shaking them around trying to get the sand out of them. You're both walking calmly to get back home, listening to the sound of the sea. You start speed walking trying to get in-front of Mike cause you liked starting random competitions with him, racing being your favourite one. He realises you're walking just a tad faster than him so Mike being Mike, he shoves you slightly and starts getting in the lead. Soon enough you start sprinting but kind of give up to be at the same pace as Mike, the suns setting, the wind is picking up it's pace a bit more but it's still bearable. You grab onto his hand and keep running freely, with no care in the world. It's just you two, that's all that matters to you.

"I hope it stays like this, forever"
You thought to yourself.

After the running and the laughs you guys finally make it home..

*HIII !!! Creator here :D, lmk what you think of this page and what I should change, what I should add all that stuff !!! I found this page super cute and a lil emotional :(, I love writing these fluff scenes. Makes me so happy !! BUT I HOPE U HAVE A GOODNIGHT/DAY/AFTERNOON !!! ILYSM<3<3<3*

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