Pics or It Didn't Happen

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credit to: PeskyGirl 

also the writer



Marinette learned pretty quickly that even if you had proof, not everyone will listen. It's always better to have pictures than words, because more people will believe you that way.

It was a slow burn, but Lila Rossi had successfully turned Miss Bustier's class against the girl. It hurt when her once friends called her jealous and a bully.

Her! Marinette!

Did they forget that she had been bullied by Chloe for years? Why would she become a bully after being bullied herself?

And jealous? Jealous of what? Marinette's crush on Adrien had long simmered out into nothing but cinders. The boy was a spineless coward who would rather pretend everything was ok rather than stand up and face the truth.

It hurt that this had happened, but, oddly enough, Marinette got some of her greatest allies through this.

It started with Chloe.

One particularly gloomy day, Marinette saw the blonde sitting alone while eating her lunch. Sabrina had long abandoned the blonde for Lila's fool's gold and, not for the first time in her life, Chloe felt alone.

Now, despite their long hated history, Marinette wasn't heartless. The Ladybug in her compelled her to sit next to the blonde and eat. Chloe stared at her, surprised, but said nothing as she continued to eat herself.

That lunch started a truce and led to a friendship.

Next was Moriah.

Moriah was an exchange student from America. Marinette was surprised the day she walked into the bakery and saw her parents talking with a shy looking brunette girl with glasses.

Her parents told her that Moriah was a transfer student from America that they would be hosting for the next few years if all went well.

Moriah was very shy around new people, so when they arrived at school the next day, she stayed close to Marinette. Lila saw this and tried to tempt her into her web of lies.

Moriah was interested in Lila's tales, but cautious. She looked up any proof of Lila's stories and found no evidence. She looked up Lila's name. Nothing.

When she tried pointing this out to the class, she was shunned. Chloe and Marinette welcomed her with open arms.

After a month or so, Moriah became much more comfortable. She was witty and funny, and she had no qualms about defending her friends and she always tried to remain to the side of justice.

This was one of the reasons Marinette decided to give her a miraculous.

After a week of living together, Moriah found out Marinette was Ladybug. The girls had to share a room and Marinette came back late in the night, still dressed as Ladybug, assuming Moriah was asleep and detransformed in her room.

Moriah dropped the book she was reading and squeaked behind the Asian girl.

The next few days included Moriah beating herself up about not noticing that her roommate was a superhero.

About a month or two later, was when Marinette began debating whether or not she should give Chloe and Moriah a miraculous.

Chloe, Marinette knew she wanted to give a miraculous too. The blonde had long ago proved that she was trustworthy and ready to re-wield a miraculous, but she didn't want to risk anyone knowing that it was Chloe like with Queen Bee.

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