Episode 1: (Y/N)'s beginning!

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At a young age life was good, as it was for many people. Hero's protecting the people and showing the good in the world, as they hid the evil in shadows.  

Then that all changed for one family, who was cursed with horrible luck.

(Y/N) and their family weren't really important in the public eye. Sure his father was an up and coming hero, but they were just a person at the end of the day, so how did it end up like this... 

It all started when they were walking home after dinner out celebrating his fathers growth, as they laughed and talked, (Y/N)'s father still acted as their personal hero. They made it home and they all sat to watch a movie. 

Mom: Go on and choose the movie (Y/N), I'm sure you wouldn't wanna see what the adults are doing.

Dad: Yeah it's all gross stuff! I wouldn't see it either if I was you...

As usual, both of them acted like the odd couple they were. (Y/N)'s father's goofy and playful personality while their mother acts more of the adult out of the two. (Y/N) laughed and took the remote as their parents went to the kitchen. (Y/N) was being patient, but as his parents suddenly grew eerily quiet, he snuck to the kitchen, he had hoped it was a secret that he could listen in on, but as he got closer blood came from under the door leading to the kitchen.

(Y/N): Mom? Dad..?

As he called out to them, the door busted open before he could even react. His father fell to the ground showing the wide gaping whole in the back of his head as a man stood above him. As (y/n) stumbled back ready to scream, but something wouldn't let him speak. It was as if someone took his voice. He fell as he stared at his dad and could finally see his mom close behind his dad with a bleeding back. 

(y/n): How... How did this happen?! How can his man do this! Why?!

The man walked closer and just stared with an axe in hand, as (y/n) could finally get a good look at the person who did all of this, he could see his brain in a glass cage on the mans head and the dead pinprick eyes before everything went black.

His hands hurt so much from climbing this missive pillar. Climbing up, he got closer and closer to the light. Where is he?

He suddenly sat up, looking around he again saw the corpse's of his parents. Feeling sick and horrified he ran out of the house, and eventually stopped to sit in an alley. 

He cried bringing up his hands to his face, but they felt cold and metallic. (Y/N)'s arms up until his shoulders, turned from human flesh and muscle into a weird metal. He looked at his new metallic arms, until he saw a glimpse of something odd. 

Walking over to a puddle, (Y/N) saw that his eyes no longer had iris's or pupils. Instead, it was now a blinding white glow. Going back to sit against a wall, (Y/N) didn't know what to do. He felt anger rising in him, wondering if other people went through this. He began to develop a hatred for villain's, ruining lives for their own perverted or greedy needs. 

???: "You ok down there kid?" 

Looking up he saw a woman jump down from the roofs above. She has tanned skin, wearing a white leotard with a crescent moon on the chest. The most noteworthy part of her, were the large bunny ears that she has instead of human ears.

???: "What happened to you, kid?"


5 years later.





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