- day five (2) -

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Once the challenge is over, we're freed from the fire pit.

And I'm pulled in about a million different directions.

'I cannot fucking believe you're here. You're actually here!!!' Ekin jumps, giggling as I smile.

'Of course. I missed my bestie too much, and I've gotta kick her ass for acting out.' I tell her jokingly as I wink and she gasps.

'Oh my god, have you been watching?' Ekin places a hand on my shoulder with wide eyes, a slightly evil glint to them as I nod.

'Every single minute.' I suck my teeth and she squealed quietly.

'Oh my godddd.' She shook me around as I smirk.

'Ooh. I cannot wait for this.' She cackles and I wiggle my eyebrows, letting her go so I could say hello to everyone else.

'What the fuck are you doing here huh?' Davide has a huge grin on his face as I jump into a tight squeeze.

'Four days wasn't quite enough, needed a tan top up and all the sun beds in England were full, so thought I'd just come back.' I chuckled as he laughed.

'Can't get rid of me that easily.' I speak a little loudly, letting everyone hear as I saw a couple of the girls' eyes widen.

Yeah. Be afraid.

'I missed you.' Davide grinned, hugging me again before I moved to hug the girls one by one.

Only Ekin knew I'd seen anything.

So when they all acted fake and like they were my besties and not the reason I left in the first place, I rolled with it.

I hugged Gemma, Paige and Tasha.

Then introduced myself to the new girls.

'Hiya I'm Lilah.' I grinned, the blonde curly haired girl smiling.

'I'm Antigoni. Nice to meet you.' She greeted warmly as I smiled. Thank god she wasn't too much of a bitch.

Yet, I'd still give it time if she hung around Paige and Gemma enough.

'Hiya gorgeous, I'm Danica.' The other girl smiled at me as I kissed both her cheeks.

Ikenna's partner at the moment.

I wasn't sure if she liked him, I couldn't read her very well. She was trying quite hard, but Ikenna was good at keeping his cards close to his chest.

As I found out when I left and suddenly it appeared he had feelings for me that he never mentioned.

'You look so gorgeous, lovely to meet you I'm Lilah.' I smiled warmly, hugging the girl as I moved onto the other guys I'd missed.

'Fancy seeing you here.' Dami chuckled as I laughed, hugging him warmly before I moved to Luca.

'Oi oi, is your heart still pounding?' I joked, winking at him as he chuckled.

'Shut up you melon.' He tugged me into a huge hug, both of us grinning.

Now that he was besotted with Gemma and we'd made it clear we'd be nothing more than friends, I actually couldn't wait for the vibes Luca and I shared.

He was so funny and we had a similar sense of humour, especially in awkward situations.

So if Davide was ever being a douche, I had a backup bestie to go to.

It helped that it'd probably piss Gemma off how close we were as well lol.

Then I moved onto Jaques, Andrew and the new boys.

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