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TW; Contains Mentions of Suicide

You could hear a pin drop.

Stu was appalled to hear those words come out of his girlfriend's mouth. Though, in the pit of his stomach he felt proud. The only question was, 'why?'.

Billy's face didn't change in the slightest, which pissed off Bailey a bit. A large smirk on his face.

As for Sidney. Well, she couldn't form any words in her mouth.

"What?" It was the only thing she could think of. "No, you're joking. 'Bails?" Tears formed in Sidney's eyes.

Bailey threw her head back, a mock laugh coming out of her mouth. "Oh, come on. Don't be like that, Sid."

The two boys watched in silence, wanting to know the reason. Well, Stu wanted to know. Billy had already figured it out.

"Go on. Ask me, Sid." Bailey taunted the girl. "A killer always has a motive. Don't they?"

Sidney was trembling. She wished all of this was just a dream. That it wasn't real, even though she knew it was.

"Ask me, Sid!" Bailey pushed once more, taking a step forward.

Tremoring back, still in between the two boys and the girl. Sidney finally got the courage to speak. "Why?" She sniffed, controlling her tears.

"That's the question. Isn't it?" The girl couldn't help but tease Sidney. She kept her stare on Sidney only, not caring about the other two in the room. "You don't remember, do you?"

Sidney hysterically shook her head.

"No? of course you don't" Bailey let out an exaggerated sigh. "October 28, 1994. Two years ago. Ring any bells?"

Still, Sidney didn't understand. On the other hand, Stu looked at his girlfriend in realisation. "The day your brother died."

"Ding. Ding. Ding." The way Bailey waved her hand around with the gun, made Sidney flinch lightly. "He didn't just die, though. No, he committed suicide!"

"I don't understand." Sidney cried out, her arms dropping feeling very tired. "What does this have to do with me?! Why do you want to hurt me?"

The girl pressed her lips together, a tight smile forming. "Not just you, Sidney. It's this whole shitty town. I wanted to hurt everyone here in this fucked up place." Bailey couldn't take it anymore, tears started pooling in her eyes.

"Bailey, I'm your best friend."

Out of anger, Bailey grabbed Sidney by her shoulders pushing her back into the counter. "My best friend, huh?"

Watching as scared girl hastily drops the weapons in her hands.

"Where were you when I needed you the most? Huh?!" The brunette shouted at Sidney in anger.

She pushed Sidney back, kicking the knife and gun back towards the boys.

"The night I killed Troy, was the anniversary of my brothers death. You didn't know nor cared, did you, Sid?"

The girl in question put her head down in shame. How could she have forgotten.

Her boyfriend on the other hand looked at her wide-eyed. He felt stupid. Why hadn't she said anything.

He wondered, if he hadn't left her alone for hours, would she have had still murdered Troy?

Sidney looked back at the girl, tears still streaming down her face. "Why Troy? Was it just random people in Woodsboro?"

"Troy was an asshole! You'd be stupid enough not to see through him. I killed him because he beat the shit out of my brother.

He could've died that night. Till the cops came. Thank you, Dewey!" The girl exclaimed in false cheerfulness.

"I'm not a monster, Sid. It was for a good reason." Bailey sighed, sparing a glance towards Stu.

"I mean, this whole town hated him. He was a freak to everyone else. I saw the way people bullied and pushed Tommy around like he was nothing.

He didn't deserve it. He was a good kid! Okay, and he was my best friend. Now he's gone and no one even remembers him."

Her voice broke at the end of her sentence. Causing Stu to march forward and capture her in his arms.

"Oh, 'Bails. It's okay. You're okay." He cooed in her ears. "I got you."

Stu had been the one to find Bailey sobbing over her brothers death two years ago. From then on, he had always made sure Bailey was doing okay, sleeping well.

Of course, it didn't seem like he did a good job. Seeing as he just watched his girlfriend confess to murdering Troy Miller.

Bailey didn't blame her boyfriend. In fact, she appreciated him. It's why she loves Stu, and would do anything for him.

Billy, who was watching the interaction, took this as an opportunity to wrap his arms behind Sidney, holding her in place.

She gasped in shock. Knowing she couldn't do anything she looked at the girl again. "Was it you that killed Jeremy that night too? When you left for that walk at Tate's?" Sidney asked.

"Of course it was me." She turned, speaking harshly. "For months after my brother died Jeremy Alonzo would harass me to no ends. Why? Because I was 'the freak's' sister.

This whole town is the reason why my brother killed himself. Now, they're getting what they deserve. That's the motive, Sid."

Bailey smiled softly at the girl. A real smile, which scared Sidney. "You know what the best part is? No one would have ever suspected me."

The quiet, trusting, loyal, girl. A killer? No way!

"You're fucking psychotic." Sidney was able to spit out.

"Oh, Sid. We're all a little psychotic." Bailey said, making eye contact with Billy.

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