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"We have T minus one day until the first competition." Chan starts as everyone stretches. "Is everyone ready?" They all nod. "Good. So today, Jisung, Chanbin, and I will have you all come in one by one to the studio to have you record your parts. That way we have a back track for the dance."

"Channie, may I go first?" Asks Jeongin cutesy.

"Of course, my love. Let's get to work." The four boys enter the recording studio while the other four boys work on choreo.

Jeongin finishes his part quickly, and then Chan does his. Then they call Felix in.

"Woahhhh. This is so exciting!" He exclaims. Jisung smiles at him.

"Give us your best, Lixie!"

"Anything for you, love." He says jokingly. Then he kisses Changbin's cheek and enters the recording booth.  After a spectacular performance, Seungmin enters to nail his part first try. Hyunjin does his afterwards, high fiving everyone on the way out.

"Okay Changbin, show us the magic." Jisung exclaims.

"Don't worry, I WILL knock your socks off."

"We know, Bin." Chan laughs. Changbin does, in fact, wow theirs socks off, and when he comes out they both cheer.

"Alright, Ji. Wanna fetch Minho?"

"Sure thing!" Jisung walks out of the recording room and into the regular practice room to find Minho and the others going over parts of the Choreo again. The boy stands there, watching the way his boyfriend moves, especially how his body moves.

Before he can get too lost in his imagination, though, Minho spots him.

"My turn, Sungie?" Jisung smiles and nods.

"Yepper!" They walk back in and Minho looks at the recording booth nervously.

"It's okay, Min, it's just us. You'll do great."

Minho smiles and enters, at first messing up because of nerves, but calming down when he sees his boyfriend smiling at him. When he finishes, Jisung is staring in awe.

"Holy shit. Your voice is so fucking beautiful..." Jisung tells him, standing as if in a daze. Minho blushes.

"Thanks, angel."

"Okay, Ji. You're the last one. Let's get this done so we can practice the choreo as a group a few times and then go get food. Because I'm starving." Chan says. Jisung nods.

"U-uhm... Sungie?" Minho says quietly, but still getting the boy's attention.

"What's up, babe?"

"May I stay and watch?"

"Of course you may." Jisung kisses him lightly and then enters the booth.

Just like that, Minho realizes how much of an ace his boyfriend is. The boy's vocals blow him away, while his rapping definitely makes him feel something. When the younger is done, he exits for high fives.

When Minho doesn't respond to his high five, he waves his hand in front of the boy's face.

"Earth to pretty boy."

"Holy shit, is there anything you CAN'T do??" He exclaims.

"I could ask you the same question." Jisung says with a bright smile.

"Alright people, Chan is done with the track in 5...4...3...2...1!!! Finisheddd." Changbin cheers.

Chan saves it to a flash drive and then exits the room with the other three.

"Yayyyy, dancing timeeee." Jeongin exclaims, now that everyone is present. After rehearsing the choreo for about an hour and a half, Chan calls it.

"I think we are ready. I'll see you all tomorrow for the competition. We got this. Go rest! And don't be late! We meet here at 10am so we can go together." The boys all applaud their leader's mini speech and start to head home.

Jisung walks with Minho hand in hand back to the elders house.

"That was really fun, you're such a good dance teacher, Min." Jisung gushes.

"Thanks, angel. I'm more impressed with you guys and the production. The song sounds amazing."

Jisung blushes at the compliment.

"Thanks hyung~ Are you excited?" Jisung asks the boy next to him.

"Incredibly. This is going to be so fun. Are you?"

"Mhmm." The smaller boy replies with a small nod. Minho can tell that his boyfriend seems a little tense, but decides not to pester him about it until he wants to tell him what's wrong.

The two enter the house and Jisung yawns.

"Aww. My sleepy baby. Wanna take a nap?" The younger nods cutely. "Okay, angel. Let's go." They go upstairs and change into pajamas, cuddling under the covers of Minho's bed and drifting off.

Jisung clings to the elder like a koala to a tree, and Minho holds him tight.

When Jihyo gets home from work, she exhaustedly makes her way upstairs to go to bed. As she starts to enter her room, she realizes she didn't say good night to her sons.

Finishing the walk down the hall, she coos at the sight of the two boys huddled together. She snaps a photo on her phone, texting it to their group chat that they had made with Chaeyoung. Captioning it "Our sleepy boys <3"

She returns to her room to also fall asleep, inspired by the two boys down the hall.

By dinner time, Jisung still isn'tawake, but Minho is wide awake. He gently maneuvers his way out of the boy's hold, almost climbing back after seeing the pout on the younger's lips as he slept.

Minho creeps downstairs, finding that his mother is also napping, and takes advantage of an empty kitchen. He takes out the ingredients he knows that he needs and starts to cook dinner for his little family.

Once the food is almost done, Jihyo arrives downstairs sleepily.

"Something smells delicious."

"Hi Eomma. I hope you had a good nap. Thanks for the photo."

"Of course. Why aren't you still sleeping?"

"I'm making dinner. Ji is really nervous about tomorrow and I can tell. He didn't eat all day and I can't have him sick on stage. I'm also cooking some stuff for breakfast for everyone."

"My boy is such a gentleman." Jihyo beams, making the boy at the stove give a lopsided grin.

"Would you be able to wake Ji for me?"

"Sure, bud." Jihyo ascends the stairs again to go get the boy, only to find him sitting up and rubbing his eyes sleepily. "Oh, you're already awake."

"Hyungie isn't here." The boy says in a sleepy pout.

"Aww hunny. Come downstairs, hyungie is making us dinner." Jisung sleepily gets up and follows the woman down the stairs, immediately being spotted by his boyfriend who smiles at him lovingly.

"Hey baby~ come eat and then I promise we can go back to sleep."


They all sit to eat the delicious food that Minho had prepared, the boy's listening to Jihyo tell them about her day. After finishing up and being shooed upstairs by her, claiming she was going to do the dishes since Minho cooked, the two boys return to bed, falling asleep full and happy in eachother's arms.

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