Part 1: She calls him "dad", you call him "daddy". You two are not the same.

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It all started when you met her. She had glowing blonde hair and radiant blue skin. All the boys wanted her. Actually, scratch that, EVERYONE wanted her. Even you did. So, when she asked you out, it was quite a surprise.

"Hey, y/n. Wanna go catch a movie?"

"Sure!" You were pumped.

You got so ready, and even brought condoms- just in case. The movie was good, but the car was better.

Fast-forward past the movie, you two were passionately making out in the car. She grabbed your hair, and pulled it. Then, she checks the time.

"You want to take this back to my place?" She asks, her eyes dimly lit.

"Sure." You have been saying that a lot, lately.

She drives you back to her place, and her dad greets you at the door. Wow. Like father like daughter. He's gorgeous. Like, drop-dead, make a grown man cry kind of beautiful. He gives you an odd look, and you realize you have been staring at his cock-a-doodle-doo.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2022 ⏰

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