the altez x eddie munson bs

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uhh enjoy :')
also black right handkerchief means heavy SM bottom, and light blue right handkerchief means gives head/cocksucker so UHM YEAH–

Altez yelled, slamming his fists against the table nearly dropping the die on the ground. "Not my fault you rolled a 2!" Eddie cackled at his misery, announcing that their character had basically taken a full hit and was now dead.

"Well, that finishes our private little campaign," Eddie teased Altez with a shit eating grin. Altez took a drink of his beer while glaring Eddie down, his smile only widening as he lift his own drink. "Don't give me that look Altezzy, not my fault you're so shit at DnD. Maybe you shouldn't be playing with the big boys~"

He taunted and laughed, drinking his beer. Altez jumped at him and tackled him to the ground, pinning Eddie to the ground and head-locking him. "'Big boy' my ass, Edison!" He grinned before their arms were grabbed and he was flipped over Eddie and was put into the same headlock.

"You little shit, you got beer all over me!" Eddie said and rubbed his knuckles on Altez's head hard, "And don't call me Edison- ACK!" He yelped, letting his grip go and seeing the bite mark on his arm. Altez got on their feet and stepped onto the table.

"I, the mighty beast Altez, have defeated Eddie "the freak" Munson without a single scratch!" He cheered with a fist raised to the sky and a grin. Eddie only scoffed, dusting himself off. "Yeah yeah, whatever loser." He smiled and walked to the kitchen getting another beer.

Altez jumped off and followed behind, sitting himself up on the table "Pass me one, would ya?" He got one thrown at him, which they caught and opened before drinking. "You ever get tired of drinking, Eds?"  He asked.

Eddie went and leaned against the table next to him and gave him a look. "The fuck kinda question is that?? Hell no. You ever get tired of being short?" He snorted, drinking his drink. Altez just scoffed "Ha ha, very fuckin funny, man."

Eddie chuckled and sighed, both of them continuing to talk and drink, soon enough being intoxicated. Mainly Altez. He took a sip of his last drink and sighed, before looking at Eddie. He leaned over to look at his jeans a bit, tilting his head curiously.

Eddie noticed that and raised an eyebrow. "What're you starin at? It's weird, loser," he said. Altez mocked him with their hand and stuck his tongue out. "Says you, freak. Was just looking at your handkerchief." That made Eddie straighten up a bit and huff. "And what about it, hm? You also gonna think it's weird? 'Hey freak, why don't you wear it like a normal person??'"

Altez only smiled and looked over their shoulder, reaching into their back pocket and pulling something out. He handed it to Eddie and said "Right pocket, both of em," with a slight smirk.

Eddie took it and looked at them, eyes going slightly wide. "You sick freak.." he scoffed, very amused. He held up what he was handed, which was a black handkerchief and a light blue one. "No fucking way. No fucking way!!" He yelled, wandering around the kitchen.

Altez just chuckled softly. "You're not the only freak, Eddie Munson." They said equally amused. Eddie held up the blue one and looked straight at them, "You're joking." He shook his head which made Eddie laugh. "You are full of surprises, Altez. But good to know."

He approached Altez and grabbed his face roughly, pulling it to his. "Good to know, indeed~" he said, before smashing his lips into theirs. Altez immediately kissed him back, wrapping his arms around Eddie's neck. He let go of his face and picked him up, legs wrapped around his waist, and he carried them to his room, dropping him on the bed.

"Ack! Rude!" Altez snorted, Eddie climbing on top of them. "Yeah but you love it" he said and began making out with him again. The kisses got rougher as they went on, Eddie tonguing him down as he ran his hands down their body. His hand slid down to his pants, struggling to undo them but he managed after a few seconds and he pulled them off. His other hand slipped under Altez's shirt and he pulled it off them, parting the kiss for a second. He looked down at Altez's bare body, panting slightly.

"God, you son of a bitch.." he whispered, practically examining his body. "Stare all you want, freak. This all belongs to you," Altez said with a smirk, Eddie only huffed, "Good," he said back and grabbed their arm, yanking him up and onto his lap, basically straddling him.

Altez immediately began making out with Eddie again, hands going up his shirt and feeling his body while he moved himself on his lap, grinding beneath him. Eddie groaned against his lips, gripping at his waist and moving him down more. Letting out small whimpers, Altez began undoing his jeans and pulled them down along with his boxers, still making out he started stroking his dick slowly.

"Oh, fuck,," Eddie groaned softly, looking at Altez and his cocky shit eating grin. Eddie reached over the side of his bed and grabbed a pair of handcuffs he had hanging there. "Gonna be a little shit, huh?" He said, grabbing their wrists tightly and holding them behind his back before cuffing him, then pushing him down so his face was right by his dick.

"Then be one. Go on, you fucking cocksucker," he said with the same smirk. Altez squirmed slightly but put his lips on the tip, licking it gently up and down while looking straight up at Eddie. He kept doing this for a bit, hearing groans escape his lips. Eddie glanced down at him and huffed before gripping his hair and pushing his head straight down onto his cock, taking it to the back of his throat.

He started bobbing his head up and down on his dick, maintaining that eye contact with Eddie the entire time. He'd glance down at Altez seeing he never took his eyes off him, only making him harder. "God, you're so good.." he breathed out, gripping his hair tighter and moving him farther down. Altez gagged a bit as he was pushed down but it didn't really affect them, they kept bobbing their head up and down.

Eddie's groans got a little louder and his hand loosened up a bit. "F-Fuck, I'm so close.." He moaned out, only making Altez move faster, Eddie's breath hitching. After a little bit he finally let out a loud groan, holding their head far down onto his dick and cumming into the back of his throat. Altez gagged but swallowed it, licking up the rest of it and just looking up at Eddie, panting.

Eddie huffed and smiled at them, "good job, big boy~" he said before lifting them up and turning them around onto their stomach facing away from Eddie. He caressed their back, lining himself up against him "holy shit, you're already so wet,," he said cockily, Altez looked back at him. "Shut the fuck u-AH!~" He yelled out a moan, Eddie immediately slamming into them.

He quickly started moving in and out of him, one hand gripping their waist, the other holding the handcuffs. Altez let out a moan from every thrust, tears pricking his eyes. "S-Slow– ah! down!" he moaned, peering back at Eddie, who contemplated it. "Hm.. nah" he said and sped up, Altez nearly letting out yelped moans.

He buried his head in the sheets of the bed, stifling his moans, until a hand slipped under their neck and yanked them up. "Keep making those noises or I'll stop right now" Eddie said slightly threatening, holding their head up from their neck "got it?"

"M-Mhm,," Altez whimpered and nodded, before being choked by the grip on their neck. "Nope. Answer me, or I'll fuckin stop right now" he said as he started slowing down his movements, making them whine. "y-yes, sir" they said, and Eddie chuckled. "There we go" he said and grabbed their waist before flipping them onto their back and immediately thrusting in and out of him again.

"AH!~" Altez moaned out from the movements, his arms wrapped around Eddie's neck pulling him in closer. His thrusts went deeper into the boy and his moans louder, wrapping his legs around his waist. "A-AH~ EDDIE!~" He practically screamed, face buried in his neck as tears streamed his face

Eddie smirked at hearing his name and slowed down a bit, but making his thrusts deeper and harder each time, especially now that their position helped with that. Altez bit into his shoulders hard, Eddie yelping out a groan from it. "Come on Altez~ let me here you" he taunted, pounding into him.

Altez kept moaning into his shoulder, the occasional "ah- fuck!" and "Eddie!~" escaping their mouth. Eddie felt their body tense up a bit and his as well, know their were close, he sped up his thrusts and thrusted as deep as he could. "AH~ o-oh fuck, Eddie!!~" Altez moaned out one last time before finally cumming, Eddie doing the same as he slowed his movements down.

Both of them panting, they laid on the bed besides eachother, the two of them full of bruises and bite marks. "Give me your hands" Eddie said, which Altez did. He looked at his wrists, which were bruising red, and unlocked the handcuffs. "Sorry about that,," he said, rubbing their wrist.

"Don't worry about it" Altez said softly, exhausted but smiling at him, before leaning up to give him a kiss, who returned it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2022 ⏰

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