They return

25 3 1

Sanguis stood in the forest clearing and the moon shone down giving it light. She ventured deep into the thick, green trees until she saw a bonfire surrounded by people in black hooded cloaks. She hid behind a tree to watch. Then the shortest two of the group took off their hoods and in the red light of the bonfire she recognized two very familiar faces. Amore and Méchant. Sanguis was angry, annoyed and saw this as an opportunity. She pounced. She grabbed Méchant pinning her two the floor and began furiously ripping out her throat. When Sanguis felt the life leave her she got up and ran. She hid again behind a tree where she was still able to see the bonfire. The cloaked people, including Amore, ran to were Sanguis had ran. Amore found her his once green eyes (she could only see them as the moon still shone brightly down on them) were now as black as Tenebrosi's wings used to be.

Sanguis screamed and Lumen and Tenebrosi sprinted into the room and to her side embracing her in their arms. Sanguis cried, water gushing from her red eyes (since the battle she had stopped wearing her contacts).

"It's ok Sanguis. It was just a dream," comforted Tenebrosi.

"Was it the

same one?"Asked Lumen who was now drenched in her friends tears.


Sanguis sniffled still crying.

"It's ok it's

done now it is over,"Tenebrosi said stroking Sanguis' mucky blonde hair.

"We start

school again in a few hours we need some rest," said Lumen getting up.

"Ok. I will

try getting back to sleep," sniffled Sanguis whipping the tears from her eyes.

"See you

when we get up," said Tenebrosi getting up from her friend's side,"You will be


Lumen got

out of bed and skipped to the kitchen exited to go back to school. Bellum, who

like Sanguis had spent the night, was already in there making cloud pancakes.


morning Lu. Is Sanguis alright? I heard her scream last night. Was it that

dream?" Bellum asked plating up the pancakes.

"Morning and

I think she is this is the fourth time she has had this dream I am getting worried,"

said Lumen picking a plate up and sitting down. At that moment Tenebrosi and

Sanguis walked into the kitchen laughing.

"Did you

girls sleep well?" Asked Bellum already knowing the answer.

"It was the

same as usual," said Sanguis flatly. The room went silent and it stayed that

way until they were ready to leave and go back to school.

"The boys

will be down stairs," said Lumen picking up her bag off of the counter.

"What about

Amore?" Asked Sanguis putting her red and black flask into her distressed backpack.

"I am not

sure the guys didn't say anything," Lumen said cautiously as for the past few

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