Chapter 13

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"Aghhh, fuck..." I sat up slowly, pressing my thumb and forefinger to my throbbing eyes which burned from the early morning light of the Digi-window.

My head was pounding, not unlike how it did when I was assigned to Expansion and the explosives were set a little too close for my liking.

I flopped my body back against the frame of the couch, pushing my curls back from my forehead as I released a groan of frustration. I didn't think I drank that much last night, but I guess I got a little carried away at some point during the chaos of the night.

Wouldn't be the first time, after all.

My eyes were feeling heavy, but I forced them back open as I tried to psych myself up.

'You're fucking Thaddeus Axton. You can handle anything. Has a little fucking headache ever taken you out of the game?!' I argued with myself, which was luckily enough to force my legs to stand.

However, once my eyes finally opened wide enough to take in the scene around me, my jaw dropped in sheer shock.

"Oh shit," I muttered breathlessly.

My Housing Pod was a complete and utter mess.

Cups were strewn all over the place, half-eaten food littered almost every flat surface, and there were even a few mystery puddles in a few spots on the counters and concrete floors.

Oh, man... This was... This was...

This was proof that I knew how to throw a fucking rager!

A huge, smug grin overtook my features as I realized how much clout I was gonna gain from my crazy good hosting skills. Regardless of that tiny little hiccup with that one enforcer as well as the fact I could only barely remember how I ended up falling asleep, I was more than sure that I would undoubtedly be the talk of The Society today. I even found myself getting a little lost in the thought of everyone begging me to be invited to my next party, falling at my feet just for the chance to be considered.

My headache was long forgotten as I had already begun to mentally plan for my next banger. Next time would have to be even crazier. I made a mental note to enlist Mitty to think up a master plan.

My eyes swept over the room one more time as I imagined the future scene before finally swiveling them over to the coffee table, where my... my... wait...

'Where the fuck is my uniform?!' I mentally screamed, turning to shove multiple empty alcohol bottles out of the way as if they were somehow concealing the much larger item that I was looking for.

Where was it?! It was always here when I woke up! Always!

There was no way in hell that I could show up to The Unit with a dirty uniform! Sure, some of the guys were more than happy to show their faces with jumpsuits caked with yesterday's dirt, but I was not one of... those!

It took a few beats for it to hit me as to why my uniform wasn't there, but when it did, my fists clenched so hard that I probably left little half-moon indents on my palm.

That little...

Though, as quickly I felt my anger rising, an unexpected sound stopped its fiery ascent right in its tracks.


The sound was echoey and somewhat distorted, almost as if it were being spoken through some sort of funnel. Although I didn't immediately recognize the voice, there was only one person that it could have been.

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