Ch 34

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Individuals have personal choices. The girl makes her own decision. We outsiders have nothing to say. She just understands her choice.

The day before New Year's Day, Xiao Huaisu went on a business trip. I took Li You back to Li Moli's place to eat, and Li Moli was too lazy to cook. The next day, I took us two oil bottles to Zhang Dong's wedding. The main purpose was to eat. When Li Moli mentioned it, I just remembered, oh, today's New Year's Day is Zhang Dong's happy day.

Originally, it was said that Zhang Dong and I were colleagues. I should give a gift when he got married, but because of Aunt Huo's relationship with my mother, she handed it over, so I don't need to hand it to my junior.

Li You sat next to Li Moli, and I went to Zhang Dong's colleague's table. As soon as I sat down, a familiar colleague greeted me.

"Li Tian, ​​come here to sit, why did you come?"

I don't know why, Zhang Dong got married, but I was a little depressed, and I answered in a light tone: "It's too late."

"Zhang Dong joined the same group of people as us. This speed is awesome." Another colleague clicked his tongue.

"That's not true. I heard that you will get on the bus first and then make up the ticket. It is estimated that next summer will come over to hand over the full moon gift."

"Isn't it?" Someone sighed with emotion.

Hearing this, I may have understood why the girl forgave so bluntly.

"This kid is really quick, and I heard that Director Lin was in charge of the project he was in charge of."

"He's working hard enough.

" The whole family is not hungry."

"Haha, yes yes —"

Listening to the chatter of the colleagues, the sullenness in their chests slowly dissipated, followed by chatting a few words, at this time the lights of the venue gradually dimmed, and there was a soft and moving light. The music sounded in the hall. The bride held her father's hand and walked slowly to the groom standing on the ceremony table. The bride had a happy smile in her eyes. The delicate makeup made her look beautiful and lovely. The flower girl behind her carried her. The long skirt, with pink petals sprinkled on both sides, everyone applauded when the emcee said that the groom kissed the bride.

Happy, so happy.

After dinner, I led Li You back first. As Aunt Huo's good friend, Li Moli naturally had to stay for a while.

After the New Year's Day, the Chinese New Year is not far away. Because there are still elders in the country f, my father and mother Xiao are not planning to stay in the country for the new year. They have flown back to the country f two days ago, and asked us to visit them in the country f when we have time. .

On the 30th day of the new year, Xiao Huaisu hugged Li You, and we went to her grandparents' house with big bags and small bags. Although we were still at Li Moli's place the day before yesterday, since I established a relationship with Xiao Huaisu, our permanent residence has become Xiao Huaisu's duplex. , Because it is relatively close to the company, if he gets off work late, he will go directly to his residence. Except for weekends, Li You will go to her grandparents' house, and he is always by our side. For her studies and hobbies, Xiao Huaisu does everything by himself, in his spare time. , I basically threw myself on to accompany and teach Li You, personally teach her to practice calligraphy, and her favorite painting, maybe when I was teaching Li You to practice calligraphy, I was too busy beside me, eating and sleeping, In order not to affect Li You, he was ordered to learn calligraphy under him just like Li You.

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