epilogue; dear watson

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DEAR WATSON,how are you? i apologize if i abruptly disappeared from your wedding because i couldn't bear to see you marry someone else

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how are you? i apologize if i abruptly disappeared from your wedding
because i couldn't bear to see you marry someone else.

unfortunately, i had unrealistic expectations for our relationship,
and the world was harsh in letting us know that we weren't meant to be together.

sayings are things that are tossed around a lot.
i never really felt like they held a personal meaning,

but after i bumped paths with you,
i truly understood the meaning
of "right person, wrong time."

and for that, i thank the universe for letting me meet someone as amazing
and extraordinary as you.

with your grin, your strange hair, the manner in which you talked, the manner in which you snickered, and so on, i'd think of a hundred reasons regarding
the reason why i have fallen head over heels for you.

that being said, those are a few reasons however, i had already fallen in love
with you the moment you smacked your notebook across my face.

i never imagined would have the to do something like that, and that's where a spark started. do i regret it?
no, i won't ever regret spending any time with you.

despite our relationship's bittersweet ending, i will always treasure the memories we shared.

i hate myself for loving you so much, i hate the way my heart clench whenever you sent one of those dazzling smiles in my way, whether it be forced or truly natural.
i could never read you.

guess i didn't live up to my title of "sherlock", did i? but i don't need to be a genius to acknowledge the way i yearn for you, but i know i can never have you.

i didn't desire you like adam desired eve.
i desired you like eve desired the apple
even though she knew she couldn't have it.

i wish i didn't have to say goodbye to you today;
realizing that now isn't our time. but remember,
you'll always be the apple of my eye, no matter how far you may be.
10 feet or 1000 miles away, i'll always love you.

and don't be sad, for in this life it
may not have been meant to be, but in our next life,
i won't hesitate to make you mine again.
you'll always be the watson to my sherlock.

and yeah. maybe i am struggling to hold back tears while i write this last goodbye.
but my darling, i will always love you. i swear.

even though i know you're blaming yourself for how things turned out, stop.
we are both completely blameless, and i promised to always continue to support you, didn't i? i'll always be your biggest supporter.

as long as you live your life to the fullest,
i'll be happy and content with that.

there are so many more things i wish i could've said to you;
a thousand more words of adoration and regret i could've spewed.

but i think it's better if i write this last letter
(that rhymed, did you see that?)
instead of talking to you in person, and forcing you to witness my pain.
after all, we'll always be just pen pal friends.

i'll find you again, y/n, no matter how long it takes.
whether it be another time, another life, or even another universe,
we will meet again.

fate is but a mere obstacle; as sherlock once said,
you know my methods, watson.




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