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You made it to the office where you saw the nurse, the principal and your mom. She instantly got up hugging you.

"Honey, I'm so sorry."

Her eyes were filled with tears.

"We need you to do something real quick."


"Take off your hoodie."

You took it off revealing your short sleeve shirt. It also revealed your bruise-covered arms.

"Holy shit! Oh- I'm sorry. Excuse my language."

"It's alright. But I was told Jason did this, correct?"

"Not just him. A few of his friends too."

"Well, that's unexpected."

"The worst things happen from the people you think wouldn't do such things."

Your sentence just shocked them. Your mom kept you in a hug for a while. You both then sat down.

"So, you were just with Ms. Kelley?"


"So, what's her plan?"

"She said she would talk to him."

"Alright. Well, we will figure that out. Now, I will give you the choice to stay or leave for the day."

They all looked at you.

"I'll stay. I'll be fine."

They just nodded.

"Is it okay if I remove the eye patch?"

Your mom turned to the nurse. She nodded. Your mom lifted it up to see your bruised eye. She got teary eyed again.

"Honey, this is really bad. Are you sure you want to stay?"

You nodded.

"Alright, well I love you. I'll see you later."

"I love you too."

Your mom gave you a kiss on the forehead then left. You even got teary yourself. You wiped them away.

"Alright, well Y/N, you can go ahead to your next class."

"Okay. Thank you."

They nodded. You were on your way. You walked through the crowded hallway. You made it to your locker putting some books in there. Someone then closed the door on you. As expected, it was Jason.

"You snitched, didn't you?"

"No. Why would you say that?"

"Because I'm now wanted at Ms. Kelley's office. I'm never wanted there unless I have a reason to be. Which I never do. You're gonna pay for this."

Eddie then came up behind you.

"Leave her alone Jason. You did enough damage."

"More can be done."

Eddie glared at him, pulling you closer to him.

"Fuck off."

"Oh? You wanna keep talking? I can beat you agai-"

Eddie then punched Jason in the face. He quickly grabbed your hand running with you through the crowds of people. You had lunch next so you guys just bolted there. You finally made it to your table sitting down. The boys looked at you with such fear and worry on their faces.

"What the hell happened to you!?"

"Jason and his friends."

"You okay?"

"Do I look okay to you Mike!?"

"Dude, really?"

Dustin then hit Mike's arm. The boys didn't question you about it except for Eddie. They let him do the talking.

"You never told me the details. What happened?"

"Well, I was just at my locker getting my things when Jason appeared. He then grabbed me and took me to this ghost town of a hallway. I then yelled at him. One of his friends punched me, so I punched him back. Then they all just started beating me. But, of course, I fought back. I'm not weak."

Eddie had this upset look on his face like he did when he first saw you back in the classroom. The others were just invested with the story.

"Then, Jason got on top of me and I guess did a 'final move' kinda thing because he just punched me after fucking staring at me for what felt like a lifetime."

"I'm gonna kill him."

The other boys looked at Eddie. They've never seen him so protective over someone besides them. But it wasn't as protective as he was being with you. Eddie just looked at them and they looked away. He gave you another hug.

"I'm so sorry sweetheart."

Eddie whispered that in your ear so the others wouldn't hear. You felt your eyes tearing up again. You pulled away from the hug wiping your face. It was only then, he saw the other bruises.

"Holy shit! Y/N, your arms too!?"

"They kicked me while I was on the ground. They were kicking pretty hard."

Eddie wiped your face seeing a free tear running down your cheek. Both of you didn't even eat at lunch. After that, Eddie went with you to all of your classes watching out for Jason or one of his friends. Once the day was over, you ran out of school as fast as you could. You got outside seeing Eddie there.

"Hey. I'm taking you home today. No questions."


He opened the door for you and climbed in after. You both then took off to your house.

Eddie Munson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now