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"Home? My home is where my family is

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"Home? My home is
where my family is.."

FIRST DAY at Beacon Hills High school, how exciting Brylin thought sarcasm filling her head. All Brylin really wanted was to be back home, in New Orleans with her family . The Mikealsons, the Original family, her mother Hayley Marshall wanted them to have a fresh start, a chance for her 16 year old daughter to have a normal life. How could a 16 year old hybrid possibly have a chance at a normal like when nothing about her life was normal?

"Brylin!" her mother exclaimed, taking her from her thoughts "You're going to be late on your first day."
"Alright" Brylin told her mother a bit of bitterness laced in her voice. Brylin walked out of their house with Caleb at her side. Brylin wore a green tube top and cardigan to match and a white skirt with her 𝙼𝚒𝚔𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚜𝚘𝚗 crest around her neck.


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Brylin headed towards the doors of Beacon Hills high, once she made it inside Caleb stopped her. "Can you just stay out of trouble on our first day..please Bry?" Causing Brylin to only roll her eyes at his request, "Oh what now all of a sudden you care about me?" Relax Caleb no one knows..Fresh start remember?" Brylin snapped. Only to turn her head to meet a set of deep brown eye looking her way.

As I'm at my locker talking to Stiles I notice this raven haired girl I had never seen before.."Stiles..who's the new girl?" Scott ask

"New girl? What new girl?" Stiles turned his head in her direction. "Don't know but I bet Lydia does since she knows "everything." She seem to be having what looked like a somewhat heated
conversation with a dark haired Brunette.

Scott focused my hearing to hear what they were discussing. Scott picks up; "Can you just stay out of trouble on our first day..please Bry?"

"Oh what now all of a sudden you care about me?" Relax Caleb no one knows..Fresh start remember?" I continue to look her way.. brown crashes with hazel as our eyes meet. I smile which she returns with one.

The dark haired boy with deep brown eyes gave me a smile..I gave him one back in return he was cute but I could tell..I don't know how but something about him seemed different. I made my way to my first class..brown eyes was also in..I didn't know his name so brown eyes just seemed fitting considering. I decided I would go introduce myself to him, the cute guy with deep brown eyes.

"Hi I'm Brylin Marshall." I spoke. "Scott McCall.." "You're new..?" He asked. Contemplating on what to say..I went with "Och that obvious..huh?"

He scratches the back of his neck and says "yea..no it's just I haven't seen you around..and I would remember you if I did."

My first thought was to cringe at his words but they didn't seem like a cheesy pickup line I know of guys to use but..from Scott it sounded genuine I blush a bit.

"So what do you guys do here in the "small" town of Beacon Hills?" I ask out of curiosity.

"Wow...small huh?" He Saids.

"You know what I mean" I say in a joking manner "where are you from? Scott asks New Orleans I answer with a small grin.." I guess compared to New Orleans Beacon Hills is pretty small"

I let out a small snort causing Scott to smile. "It's uhh your pretty average boring old town.." I somewhat frown at his words. I was kinda bummed that this town was as boring and basic as I thought. But I could uh show you a thing or two.." Scott said, causing Brylin to feel something in her stomach to flutter.

"You could show me..?" Brylin asks. "I think I just might like that."

He smiled at my statement which made me happy for some reason he had a cute, happy smile. Looking at his smile for a moment made me forget that my mom dragged me 2,050 miles away from my dad. My family all my anger just disappeared when I saw Scott's smile. After staring at it for what felt like an eternity I finally looked away and took my seat. I sat next to this girl with strawberry blonde hair. Her outfit was killer. Might I add she saw me going over her outfit and gave me a smile. I simply gave her one in return.

After a moment of just talking to each other for what felt like forever I didn't want to look away but we both eventually took our seats. Brylin sat in front of me next to Lydia.

There was something different about Brylin; it felt strange yet so natural when we talked. Before me and Allison broke up I never thought I'd ever find someone who it feels so natural with. Though we just met I felt I could trust her.


After classes I headed to my locker to get ready for lunch when the strawberry blonde approached me

"Super cute skirt" She said with a bright smile
"I'm Lydia Martian by the way" she spoke again

"Brylin Marshall"

"Nice to meet you Brylin.."

I gave her a smile and a nod

"nice to meet you too." A long haired Brunette came are way

"Lydia were all waiting"
She looking at Lydia then at me and spoke; " Hi, you must be the new girl everyone is raging over..I'm Allison Argent"

Wow first day and I'm being raged over. Maybe Beacon Hills won't be so bad after all Brylin thought.

"Hi, nice to meet you Brylin Marshall"

"You so have to join us all at lunch, you're totally our new best friend," Lydia said, causing me to smile at her statement.
"sure I'd love too"

They basically dragged me to their lunch table to meet all of their friends. They all gave me friendly smiles. I saw a familiar face smiling at me with those deep brown eyes.

 I saw a familiar face smiling at me with those deep brown eyes

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