I can watch this

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AN: An idea I wanted to write for quite some time already, based on my headcanon that Shirabu is really really bad with scary stuff.

Enjoy :)


"Are you calling me a coward, Eita?"

Semi sighed and rolled his eyes, trying to ignore the scorching gaze burying through the back of his head as he collected the scattered balls around the gym.

"I'm not calling you anything. I'm just saying that movie is probably not for you. Stop putting words into my mouth."

Shirabu pouted, throwing the balls from his arms into the trolley with a very loud huff. Semi sighed again, wondering what he did that day to deserve a grumpy Shirabu. They were supposed to end the practice and then have a nice calm hangout in Semi's dorm as Tendo finally managed to annoy Ushijima into reading another issue of Jump with him after more than three days of fruitless attempts, and Semi was sure he won't be back until the next day. Shirabu seemed surprisingly enthusiastic about the idea in his own way, which made Semi incredibly happy. It wasn't an often occurrence that Shirabu would be excited about anything, but Semi supposed he could count himself as an honourable exception in the rule. He was looking forward to spending some time with his boyfriend, especially now that graduation was getting closer with every passing day. And a movie night sounded like a perfect idea, not at all stolen from Hayato and Taichi.

His enjoyment suffered a bit though when Shirabu came up with an idea to watch one of the newer horror movies that recently went into cinemas. It wasn't much of an issue for him as for Shirabu. Or as it was supposed to be for Shirabu. They were both well aware Shirabu wasn't doing well with scary and gruesome stuff, ever since they visited a local fair with the team and went into a house of horrors. Semi then had to spend over an hour of his time and about 1000 yen for sweets to calm Shirabu down enough to walk him back into the dorms without risking injury for either of them.

And it wasn't even that scary house.

And yet Shirabu wanted to watch a movie which, according to the reviews Semi read, made some people leave the cinema in a rush. He would gladly watch it on his own, he liked stuff like this, but he wasn't sure what exactly his boyfriend wanted to prove by that. He was trying to make Shirabu quit on the idea, knowing it wouldn't end well, but Shirabu just got all pouty like now and refused to budge.

Semi watched him angrily throwing the balls into the trolley while also avoiding looking back at him, and rolled his eyes. Why did he have to have such a stubborn boyfriend?

Shirabu managed to stay pouty all the way back into Semi's room, even though to the outsider's eye, he would probably seem normal. For Semi though, it was torture. Not that he expected Shirabu to hold his hand in public, he made it quite clear what he thinks of PDA, and Semi respected it, but the cold aura emanating from his boyfriend was making him restless. He didn't want to let Shirabu watch the film, he really didn't. For his own sake. But he wasn't sure if he would be able to withstand his grumpy mood for the whole week or even longer if he forbid Shirabu from watching it.

"Kenji, be reasonable," he tried again as Shirabu sat on his bed, arms crossed over his chest. "I'm just trying to not give you nightmares."

Shirabu narrowed his eyes at him. "I can manage. I'm not that weak."

"I'm not- I would never say you are weak, and I will fight anyone who says so, you know that." He sat next to Shirabu, gently rubbing his back. "But that film is not for you."

"You can't know it when I haven't seen it yet."

"And you will regret it if you will."

"How can you know?"

I can watch this [SemiShira]Where stories live. Discover now