At The Event

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At the Car going to the event

Nat:        Jelly are you sure your ok na?

Nu:         Yes Jelly I think I can handle this.. Thank you very much na...
(Hug Nat)

Thank you at least you and P'Max are with me in today's event.. I don't think i can do this by myself.

Max:       We are glad to be with you at this times NuNew.. But I'm sure Zee will not going to be silent like this. I know that man for ages. ha..ha.

So don't worry much. I don't know the whole story yet but I can assure you that Zee and Lessy is just friends.

Lezzy is one kind person as I know her so maybe he just worried to Zee knowing that he is alone the unit and sick. I will not say anything but that's for sure NuNew.. mark my words.

Nu:        Thank you very much P'Max. I will be ok soon don't worry na..

At the Event

Poppy:      Ok Nong NuNew let's now call Zee for the fans.

Nu:             Dial Zee for VC
Hi Hia... how you feel?

Zee:           Look at Nu... then smile... Im ok now Nu.. now that I saw you and our ZONZON.... Hiii!!!! sorry for not coming today ZONZON but I will be better soon so we can meet. I miss you very much today.. I'm sad that I can't come Sorry na...

ZonZon:   It's ok na P'Zee your health is more important to us. So get well soon na.. We love you.   
(sending hugssss from ZonZon 🤗)

Zee:           Thank you very much na.. stay safe ok. Nu kiss ZonZon for me na..I love you all... see you soon 😘

Nu:       Sure Hia.. I got their hugs too for you.

ZonZon:   Ahhhhhh will send hugs to P'Zee can you take a video of that na...

Nu:     Ha..ha... let's see then.

Event done

Nu:           I survived right? hmmmm.. what is this feeling... I miss Hia. (feeling sad)

Nat:         Jelly? are you ok?

Nu:          Yes Jelly I think I'm ok.

Max/Nat:  Look at each other.

Max:           Are you going home with me?

Nu:      I can't think right now P'... maybe later when we get back to P'Off house.

Max:      Look at Nat... ok Nu.

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