PART 30-Bye!

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I am not getting time to write the parts because of studies. I am sorry But I have to bring story to an end here. I am not writing parts, just writing the ideas about how I decided to end it:

Ruhail family become friends with Minay again

They came to know about Sumod In London together.

Ruhails and minay in london

They met sumod there and even came to know that they have a daughter

They found out the truth that susheela was pregnant when they were getting married.

They forgave sumod but sumod didn't forgive minay and ruhails

Ruhi(Sumod daughter) made the families come together.

Happily ever after


So you all can imagine the scenes please and here I end the story. I wanted to write the parts But not getting time. Once again sorry.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------THIS IS IT (NOT ONLY FOR TODAY. ITS THE END NOW OF THIS STORY)



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