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⚠️T/W please be warned there may be suicidal thoughts and attempts there will also be mentions of abuse and rape in this story if your not ok with that please click off, thank you⚠️

Nobody's pov

A loud bang could be heard through out the house as a little girl kicked down a door "ONII~CHAN!!!!" The little girl yelled loudly "huh what" a boy said tired as he got out of bed "what's up Natsu?" The boy asked his little sister "you have to get up so you can take me to school remember!!" Natsu says while smiling "right!" The boy said as he walked over to his clothes "how about you go and get ready for school while I get changed and cook breakfast?" The boy said grabs his clothes "Hey oni~chan have you told you team about your wings?" Natsu asked with a questioning voice "no and I don't think I will" he said after he sighed "but shoyo you can't keep it a secret forever" Natsu says in a worried voice "Nat I'll be fine don't worry now go get changed" Hinata said to his little sister "fine" Natsu said as she walked off

~In the kitchen~

"Nat food is ready!" Hinata yelled out to his little sister "coming oni~chan" Natsu yelled from the hallway as she was putting on her shoes "shoyo did you get much sleep last night?" Natsu asked worried as she walked in "yeah I slept fine what about you?" Hinata asked while washing some dish's "well you came back at like 6:30 it's only 6:45 now" Natsu says in a very worried voice "Nat I'm fine don't worry about me now eat up and let's go" Hinata said as he gave the little girl a plate ~after she finished eating~ "oni~chan I'm done let's go now!!" Natsu says to Hinata with a smile on her face "alright let me just wash your plate" Hinata says as he grabs her plate

~after they got to Natsu's school~

"Bye oni~chan!" Natsu says as she walks away Hinata starts to ride his bike as fast as he can since he is late for practice when Hinata got to the gym he opened the door "SORRY IM LATE EVERYONE!!" Hinata yelled across the gym "Hinata why were you late?" One of the 3rd year's asked "oh hey Suga but I had to get Natsu ready for school then I had to make her breakfast and that" Hinata said "who's Natsu?" A 2nd year asked "oh Natsu is my little sister noya~senpai" hinata says to noya "why did you have to make her breakfast and get her ready for school shouldn't your parents do that?" Another 3rd year asked "oh w-well um W-we i-i" Hinata says while trying to make up an excuse "Hinata why don't your parents look after her?" Suga asked Hinata was going to say something but he just fainted

"Huh what happened?" Hinata thought to himself "don't worry he is just fine he just passed out due to exhaustion" a school nurse said "what does that mean!" Said a 1st year with black hair "it means not enough sleep" said another 1st year with blonde hair "tsukishima and kagayama calm down please" Suga said annoyed "so he will be alright?" Said another 3rd year "she said he will be fine Asahi" noya said calmly "alright" Asahi said still worried "I'm sorry but only one of you can stay here the others have to go back to class" the nurse said "can I please stay?" Suga said "alright I will inform your teacher now can the rest of you please head to class" the lady said "alright" the rest of the team said as they walk out "do you know how much sleep he's gotten this week? Suga asked "well I asked when he woke up he said only 15 or less a day they he fell asleep again" the nurse said

~After the first class ended is when the nurse let Suga in with Hinata~

"What happened and where am I" Hinata asked Suga "don't worry Hinata your in the infirmary" Suga said "I've just called his parents to take him home" the nurse said walking in "W-WAIT YOU CALLED MY PARENTS!?!" Hinata yelled scared "well yes?" The nurse said a few minutes later Hinata's dad walked in and took Hinata now ~in Hinata's dad's car~ "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN YOU BRAT" Hinata's dad yelled at Hinata and slapped him hard Hinata stayed silent "oh so now your going to stay silent" Hinata's dad said and slapped Hinata really hard Hinata's dad just drove home and yelled at Hinata to go to his room as they both went to his room

In his room ⚠️T/W rape ahead ⚠️

"Take them off" Hinata's dad said loudly "w-what!" Hinata said scared "I SAID TAKE THEM OFF" Hinata's dad yelled "n-no!" Hinata yelled back to his father "do it or else" Hinata's dad said angrily as he striped Hinata "s-stop!" Hinata said as he only had his boxers left on "DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO YOU BRAT" Hinata's dad yelled as he took of his clothes and Hinata's boxers "N-NO!" Hinata yelled as he got chained up to the bed "DONT YOU RAISE YOUR VOICE AT ME YOU FUCKING BRAT" Hinata's dad yelled as he put his dick into Hinata and went fast "s-stop!" Hinata said crying "SHUT UP YOU BRAT" Hinata's dad said as he grabbed a Wip and wipped Hinata, Hinata started screaming "WHAT DID I SAY YOU FUCKING BRAT!?!" Hinata's dad yelled as he wipped Hinata again and again then Hinata's dad's friend came in and saw what was happening "Hey wanna join?" Hinata's dad asked "sure" Hinata's dad's friend says as he takes off his clothes and puts his dick into Hinata's mouth as he kissed Hinata's neck leaving dark Hickey's that will stay at least 2-3 weeks

I'm not writing anymore of this I just can't anyway this went on for about 6 more hours

After Hinata got raped he was chained up to a wall in the basement and Natsu got brought to the house as well Hinata got bottles of beer thrown at him they all smashed against his skin and cut him Hinata got beaten up by his 'father' so badly he backed out and he couldn't even move after what happened to him and his wings were badly injured as well he was in so much pain he just sat there and didn't move thinking about how his boyfriend kagayama did this to him as well (the rape part not the other part!) He started crying a lot he also remembered how his father treated Natsu like a normal child but he would hit her if Hinata didn't behave properly or something like that he started to question what life was why he had a life why he was still living on this earth

To be continued sorry if this was bad I've never been very good at writing books or anything like that sorry!!!

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