Devil in disguise

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When you see her... or him you might think "what a beautiful lady!" Maybe some gentlemen would give him flowers, to compliment his beauty. Of course every person would think that lady  must be an angel.  Every person excluding the demon slayer crops and... the demons who fears their leader. Tanjiro cringed as his nose picked up the smell of blood. He was fighting uppermoons 1 and 2 and 3 along with Zenitsu, Tengen, Nezuko, Inosuke, Giyu and Shibobu. You chukled as you set your eyes on Kamado Tanjiro. You were the most loyal servant of muzan bringing and doing anything to please your master. Kokushibo, uppermoon 2, nudged you pointing at Shinobu who was aiming to stab you. The three of you were down to earth for your master with that being said, you three were trying to kill the said demon slayer to complete master's request. "Why are you three so attached to him?!" Tanjiro finnally blurted out. The three of you paused. You smiled.

" You said he's crazy, but he's not a problem" You began as an unhumanly grin graced your lips.

"He says he made me" Douma continued

" But you're not a product" Tengen fought back. The mission was  to get the three uppermoons to go against Muzan. Which was not going well.

"he says look at us" Kokushibo touched his hand, the same one Muzan held.

"I just see my reflection" Kokushibo pointed his katana

"I'm tempted to trust" You looked longily at the sky remembering how Muzan promised so many things whir you two were strolling out in the night.

"But he got bad intentions!" Everyone exclaimend trying to knock some sense into the three of you.

"And he comes at night"
The three of you could almost feel him cupping your face making eye contact telling the three of you to bot fail him every night

"He's the devil in disguise" The three of you finnaly said

"Always picking fights" Douma said as he shook his head witja grin

"Trying to take over my mind"
Kokushibo ran hus hand through his hair, trying to get his thoughts straight

"He wants my soul"
The three of you started attacking again

"he's the voice that isn't mine"
You closed your eyes feeling almost as if he was slowly taking over your head

"Nowhere to hide" Douma chimmend in

"He's the devil in disguise"
You three said at the same time, eye clouded by him

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