Completly and udderly messed up

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"So i heard that you and jake were at the cafe last night!" I was saying to one of my friends into my phone.

"She was with jake? Omg!" My cousin came in mocking me with a scowl. "Could you ummmm i dont know shut up? Im trying to practice with my band!"

My cousin was in this band called One Direction. And yes before you ask its ONE DIRECTION. but unlike most of my friends i dont find them that big of a deal. I mean their awesome but not like angels. I had just been forced to move to london a couple weeks before school let out and i was soooo loving it.

"Ok fine ill be quiet but Niall seriously put some pants on." I laugh aloud then all of a sudden i weince as the person on the other line screamed. "Niall as in Niall from one direction Niall?????" Just then i look over at him and he has this smirk as if he is about to say something. Then i get a great idea.

"What? Niall as in one direction? no he just has the same name thats my cousin who doesnt even have enough talent to come close to him." I look and smile in his direction to see a big figure glareing at me as i hang up the phone with out another word. Then being the stupid person i am i say "Come get me you ferbby look alike."

"Well fine!" He runs at me and taking smallness to my advantage i go between his legs. Muwahahahahahaha! I look back long enough to NOT see the stairs. And down i go. I go litterally flipping down the steps. And finnally stop before i run into my acustic guitar against the wall. "Uhhhhhh ouch!" I say rubbing my head. My hair was up in a bun and i was in a tank top and really short cut off shorts also socks. I hop up expecting Niall to be right behind me but sadly it was more than just Niall in that basement. I stand there still holding my head looking at a very suprised louis liam and harry. A rolling on the floor laughing Niall and a totally checked out Zayn who seems to have no realisation of what just happened.

"Ok niall, you got us. Who is the chick that just came barriln' down the steps?" Harry asked in a very confused voice. Niall is so busy laughing at me he cant answer. So i do it for him.

"Hi. Im Alyssa nialls cousin and you must be harry." I say holding out my hand. He took it willingly and i did the same to every one but louis was a little should i say nervous? After i made my hellos louis went over and got an ice pack out of the freezer for me. The basment was like a living room and bed room in one.

" You should probably put some ice on that before you get a bump on your head." He said in the cutest acent. I put the icepack on the bump that had formed on my head already.

I took my hair tie out and let my hair flow down to about my hips length. It was a dark brown with highlights and blond on the back of my head with pink in some spots.

" ouch that hurts." I rub my head and pain shot around and i all of a sudden felt really dizzy the rest just went black.


Tadahh!!!!!!! Im done and i hope thats good for you weasels! Jk i love you guys! Read vote and comment plz!

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