Chapter 1: Living Dead Girl

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I had made my way inside the arena, carrying a skateboard, just before I walked inside I put my hood over my head, covering my short black hair with red ends, I pull the strings to hide my face a little more. I bend down to make sure my converse were okay. I walk inside as I go to my lockeroom. I set my skateboard down. I keep my hoodie on but change my pants into tight jeans with holes in them, under the jeans were fishnets so you could see them through the holes. I grab my skateboard, walking out of my lockeroom, I push my way through everyone to get to my spot. Everyone just glares at me, I glare back at them. Once they looked away, my eyes darted straight to my phone. I started to scroll through Instagram when I heard whispers. I look up from my phone to see Sting whispering something to Darby Allin, Darby was staring at me. "Shit, she's looking at me, shut you're mouth sting." Darby freaks out. I roll my eyes as my eyes went back to my phone screen. "Just go talk to her." I hear Sting say. I swear to god if he comes over here. "Yeah sure I'll talk to her I guess." Darby says to Sting." I heard footsteps coming over towards me. "Shit." I whisper. "Hey." Darby says, looking me up and down. I look up at him. "What the fuck are you looking at?" I snap. Sting covers his mouth. "Let's go Darby, that's enough." Sting attempts to pull him away. "You better watch you're mouth, emo girl." Darby smirks. "You better watch you're back, Skater boy." I snap back. "Enough Darby let's go." Sting finally gets him up. "You're the one who needs to watch their back!" Darby yells, allowing Sting to take him away. I roll my eyes. "HellHound, you ready for you're debut?" Someone from the back says. "Yeah I'm ready." I say. "Okay, we're gonna play you're theme song, you walk out there and win you're match, okay?" He pays me on my back. "Alright." I say, getting up, stuffing my phone in my back pocket. As soon as Living Dead Girl by Rob Zombie played, I walked out. I looked at the crowd not giving a shit about what they are thinking. I start skating down the ramp as I set my skateboard against the stairs. I take my hoodie off, wrapping it around my waist, leaving me in a T-Shirt. My opponent started to yell at me. "You're nothing! You won't beat me." They hiss. "Oh really?" I yell back. As soon as the bell rings, I ran over to her, drop kicking her. As soon as she got up, I was at the turnbuckles, she went for a stinger splash, I rolled out of the way, causing her to hit the turnbuckles. I smirk, throwing her into the middle of the ring and doing a stunner on her, I pin her and get the win. Living Dead Girl starts playing again and the crowd erupts. I grab my skateboard and hit her one good time with it across her spine. "I won't beat you huh?! I won't beat you?!" I yell. The referee pulling me away. I walk out of the ring, heading to the back. I grab my water, opening it and drinking it. I set my skateboard down, I lift my feet up onto the chair and rest my head against the cold wall. As im halfway asleep, Kyle O'Rielly comes up to me. "Hey, I just wanted to tell you that you're eyes are pretty." Kyle states. I had Greyish Blueish eyes. "Stay away from me, creep." I growl and walk away to a different corner. I seen Kyle roll his eyes at me. Darby approaches Kyle and grabs him by his shirt pinning him against the wall, I could tell he was mad. I roll my eyes, getting up and walking over to the two boys. "Break it up." I mumble. Darby and Kyle keep exchanging mean words. "I said break it up." I say a bit louder, pushing Darby off of Kyle. Both men were quiet but we're staring eachother down. I walk away from the two as soon as Sting came over, I knew Darby would stay off when Sting was around. "I will break both of you're legs!" I hear Darby threatening Kyle. I look up to see Sting holding him back. I roll my eyes, walking off to my lockeroom.

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