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Kelly POV

I sit on my living room couch staring at the tv screen in a daze with tears covering my face. TMZ has photos of my now ex-wife out on a date with some chick, I'm salty as fuck right now but I can't lie and say she's not pretty. I'm disgusted with myself, how did I really let Nelly come in between us? I mean we was in such a good place at the time and BAM I ruin it. I feel like I let my kids down, they was finally getting used to everything and now it's more change.

And oh boy when Beyoncé found out what I did she cussed me smooth the fuck out, I mean face red and voice deep as fuck just flat out mad. Mama Tina was mad, I was mad, hell even Titan young ass was mad. Hell I'm mad! I want so bad to storm over and reclaim what's mine! But I can't do that to her, I haven't seen Y/N smile so big since we fist meet. I miss my baby so much and I still love her with all my heart but I take full responsibility for my fuck up and decided to give her what I couldn't before. Happiness.

Her happiness isn't with me anymore and I just have to accept that. I wipe my tears as I turn off the tv, maybe if Y/N meet me sooner or in a different universe things could've been different but as of right now, she has to take things for what they is and move on.

No One's Pov

Jamila and Y/N are happily dating! They both are not rushing into a relationship but both only entertaining the other! If things keep going good like it is now they'll be officially very soon. They really been enjoying each other's company having a great time.

Y/N still misses Kelly and the memories of her once happy family but she always remember of the potential happiness standing right in front of her!

As you guys to see sadly it is the end of Kelly and Y/N but the beginning of Mila and Y/N! Will there relation be better than the last? Will Kelly and Y/N get back together in the future? Only time will tell, maybe a new story is on its way!

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