~Tea shop~

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TOMURA'S POV:The L.O.V Finally got to have a break from planning,annoying,or any other bullshit and got to have a drink,I got coffe,Dabi got Whiskey,toga had bubble tea,and Twice got dark roast coffe,we all sat down toga and Twice chatted talking about god knows what,Dabi was smoking inside which he really shouldn't be And I was sitting alone Talking to myself  Dabi noticed "hey crusty" he said letting a puff of smoke out and into my face,I coughed harshly he apologized before talking another drag of the cigarette "WOULD YOU STOP?!" Dabi glared at me with the classical fucking make me look,NO ONES POV: after a while they got up to go pay but when the cashier handed shigaraki the receipt he had accidentally dusted it the woman looked into shigaraki's ruby eyes realizing who she had just interacted with,and she screamed shigaraki had to use all five fingers leaving the woman a bloody pile of bits before they all raced out of the building 

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