Chapter 4

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Loki turned around and flipped his hair back. "Can you please explain to me, WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON" Loki said, raising his voice at Thor.

He stopped short. "Damn". Loki jumped out of the way as a car came hurtling towards him, flipping over, and leaving thousands of shards of broken glass all over the road.

Loki looked up. Kang. Thor threw out his arm to the side, and his hammer came flying around the corner. Thor caught it, and Loki could already feel the air tingling with electricity. "Thor" Loki coaxed slowly. "Think about what your about to do" Loki yelled as Thor leaped into the sky.

Thor hit the ground, and the road cracked and the plates of the earth were upturned; clumps of dirt and grass, concrete, and bits of broken glass went flying through the air. More than a thousand bolts of charged electricity streaked through the black night, and struck. The air lit up with bolts of bluish-white light. Thor's eyes glowed a deep blue. His armor started to cover his whole body, and his red cape, appeared flowing behind him.

Thor spun the hammer, and shot straight at Kang. Kang was knocked backwards. He lifted himself to his feet, and made a triangle with his fingers, and began to walk on the air. An orange glowing circle appeared beneath his steps, and disappeared as he stepped off them.

Kang threw his arms forward and a million purple ropes of glowing magic, lashed themselves around Thor's arm. And then the other arm, until it took the hammer from Thor's grasp, and threw it across the street. As the hammer landed, what was left of the street split apart beneath the hammer's weight.

Loki walked forward slowly. He could feel his crown forming on his head, and his gold armor creeping across his body. His crown was really a battle helmet with golden antlers that curved back. Loki projected an image of himself, to keep Kang busy.

"I am Loki, of Asgard" Loki announced. "And I am burdened with glorious purpose". He smiled. Kang threw a knife at Loki's throat, but it went right through the projection. "Glorious" Loki said.

Loki stabbed Kang in the back with the sharpest, most nastiest looking piece of broken glass he could find. Kang's breath caught in his throat, and he fell to his knees. The ropes restraining Thor loosened.

Thor threw the hammer at Kang, and it smashed into his chest. Loki could hear the sound of snapping bones. Thor called the hammer back. "Is he dead" Thor called up to Loki. "I think so" Loki said.

Loki walked over to Thor. "Maybe your not so bad after all, brother" Thor said. "Maybe not".

Loki | Kang the ConquerorWhere stories live. Discover now