Kill count

413 3 1

3rd POV
You were in Franks body for as long as Osmosis Jones, you did work for Frank Police Department if they want more the aggressive side of things, so when they called you about a virus invading Franks body, you don't know any other details, because Jones only told you to meet up somewhere for a conversation.

Once you left your car to a donut place, right in front of the place there was little amount of tables, you look around and found Jones with a yellow/ red looking pill. You walked up to them "hey there, Jones" you patted his shoulder, he looked over to you and smiled "(y/n)!" He stood up and hugged you "who is this?" Spoke up the weird pill "oh, this is the (y/n) (l/n), they're in the lysosomes family and have such a big kill count that I think they'll help us!" "Ooo!" You laughed "what's the problem, pill?" You walked over to him "my name is Drixenol, not pill" you waved your hand "yeah, yeah, drixs" you heard him mumble "at least your not Jones" you wrap your arm around Jones neck and pull him to your side "now, what's the problem, little cell" he snapped out of his midset "oh right! There is a virus that invaded into Franks body that's goes by the name Thrax" "Thrax?" "Yes, we heard he's going to the pimple club later today and we don't know what he's planning, so you're coming with us to end it all!" "Woah! There, Jones, I appreciate that you know how I love to kill off worn off cells, but I don't what Thrax is or what he's capable of!" You panicked "that's why you are coming with us!" Jones said happily "once you know who he is, you know how fast you can learn, you can easily kill him with your wrecking ball weapon thingy!" "It's a flail, but still" Jones grabbed your and start to drag you to his car "if you end him, maybe you'll get your old job back!" You smiled and went into his car along with Drix. Jones started the car and started driving.

Loud music was being played as jones pulled up into a dark ally, you got out of the car and looked at the club "how are we gonna get in there? We're different than the germs- what are you doing, Jones?" You watch him transform into a whole different cell, it looked painful "oh! Oh! I wanna try!" Drix exclaimed, there's a painful noise that made you cringe "how do I look?" "Yeesh, maybe you should stay here?" You suggested "no, no I'm in this too! I hope you didn't forget?" You and Jones looked at each other and back in the car to see the frozen germ, then back to him.

The music was blaring into everyone's ears, it was not that good of a music. "I'll be over at the bar, you shake your tail, drips, and (y/n) you are coming with me!" Jones said and he grabbed your wrist and dragged you to the bar "I'll take the nastiest drink you got!" The bar tender nodded and started with his drink then handed it to Jones "ew!" The bar tender glared at him "you got a problem?" "No! No! Just the way I like it! Extra disgusting" he nodded and looked at you "what about you?" "I just tagged along, I'm good" he had no response but went to a different person. You looked over to Jones almost throwing up and out of shear boredom, you looked around there was multiple germs looking directly at you them walking away, you nudge Jones "hey, Jones I think it's time to bust in that meeting" he looked at you with tired eyes "alright" he got up and you followed behind him.

  As you two entered the meeting rooms, you got a good look of the man that is talking he didn't seem to bother who came in the room, you let your mind wonder before you heard Jones spoke up "tonight? Uh-can we reschedule about next week, we got tickets to this wrestling thing" oh, god Jones you are complete idiot you heard him walking over to Jones "and, who are you?" You bite you lower lip for the second hand embarrassment "who am I? Uh-bad booty shaking pickin' nosises! Yeah, that's what I am!" "Never heard of you" he said before he went over to you and wrapped his arm around your neck "now then, who are you suppose to be?" The room felt tense and you can feel everyone scooting away "my name is (y/n), I'm in the Lysosomes family" "ah, so your the one that keep hearing, welcome to the team, dear. 100k killed wasteful cells, am I correct?" he said with a grin "correct, happy to be here" you said bluntly. He moved away his arm "would you explain who you are?" He said to Jones "you are new around these parts! That's why you don't know who I am! When bad booty pickin' noses come around-!" Jones grabbed a near by germ to tight that made it crash into him and Jones hit face first into the table and changed his appearance "that's no germ! That's a cop!" You had no choice but to grab your weapon and start swinging to give Jones some time to get up, he quickly got up and pulled out his gun and starts to fight "could need a little help, Jones!" "On it!" He shot the germ that was on top of you "thank you!" You swing to the next person.
  You were layered focus until Drix bust through the wall "oh yeah, you just got caught, uh huh" you looked at him confusingly before your thoughts was stopped by Thrax trying to attack you, you defended yourself by using the handle of your weapon and blocking his hands and avoid his left hand that is bright, thermal energy just radiates throughout away from your body. Your heart was speeding up and so overwhelming, all of a sudden, the heat was replaced with coldness and your vision turned black. You moved around and rise from the blanket of snow "woo! Guess who just beat Thrax!" Jones yelled and cheered and Drix cheered with him "ugh" you groaned and rubbed your head "we won,(y/n)! We killed him!" He ran over and threw his entire body on you "that's nice" you don't want to make it a big deal out of it because you already have a big headache from that heat finger. "That's nice!? It's awesome! Come on, food is on me!" He stood up in a confident pose and start to walk off, you looked at the large hole and noticed something or someone hanging off a part of flesh "that's weird" "hey, (y/n)! Ya coming?!" Jones yelled "yeah!" You yelled back and walked away.

Thrax POV
  I tried to fight with (y/n), but they managed to fight back. Now, I'm hanging off a piece of flesh from a high distance, I was watching them walk away (y/n) looked back and made eye contact with me, I just stared back at them, then they walked away. They are so tough, just the way I like it.

Just something quick, I'm trying okay!

Anyway, thank you for reading this chapter and I'll see you in the next chapter buh bye!!

Do you feel the heat?| Thrax x reader oneshots Where stories live. Discover now