Ch.9: I Won't Leave Your Side (CW/15+)

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[a/n]: CONTENT WARNING- This chapter includes mentions of gun, blood and foul language! Please read at your own discretion.


Once the situation settled and statements were taken, they were allowed to leave but Bogum was taken under custody due to the death threats he had been claiming to do and would be checked in to undergo physciatric evaluation thanks to Krystal's input on his drug and substance abuse over the last couple of months.

Seungwan on the other hand didn't suffer any head or brain injuries after being thoroughly checked and tested thanks to Sooyoung's overprotectiveness on her. Unfortunately, she had a broken left arm and would need to use a cast for it to completely heal within five months or so.

As for Seulgi, she had no broken bones thankfully. Only a few facial wounds that would heal within a week or two. Yet that didn't stop Joohyun from giving her an earful as it looked- Which I quote from Sooyoung who witnessed it- "Like a puppy being scolded for dropping its bowl of food." She was forever going to hold that over Seulgi and the cat-eyed girl knew it.

"Home at last..", Seulgi huffed out as she kicked off her shoes and put on her slippers as Joohyun playfully rolled her eyes.

"Agreed, I can't believe it's past midnight already. Then again, we did have an eventful night.", Joohyun responded and took off her coat as she set it on the coat hanger before walking into the living room.

"I'm sorry Hyun, I really am. I didn't think things would get that messy.", Seulgi apologized for the hundredth time as Joohyun sighed and turned to look at the younger who pouted regardless of the pain she had been feeling.

"I know, I just don't like seeing you get hurt. Imagine what Yeri would think if she saw you like this.", Joohyun replied and cupped the younger's face as gently as she could to not hurt Seulgi.

"She probably will in the morning when we're having breakfast, unless she comes downstairs to grab some water now, then she'll see me.", Seulgi said and leaned down further towards Joohyun's face as she puts her hands over the older's.

"Yeah, you're right and are you sure I can kiss you? I don't want to hurt you accidentally.", Joohyun worriedly asked and Seulgi laughed before placing a kiss on the older's lips.

"I'm sure, see? No pain.", Seulgi answered and went down for another kiss as Joohyun smiled in the kiss before breaking it.

"Did you really leave your vehicle in traffic just to come running to the ED?", Joohyun asked, still curious about what Seungwan had said earlier as Seulgi nods.

"Yeah, the traffic was too long and slow. I couldn't risk it so I just ran and then once I got there, the elevator was taking too long so I also ran up the five flight of stairs.", Seulgi answered as Joohyun's jaw dropped in shock.

"Oh my god? Why are you just letting me know now? You dummy.", Joohyun questioned in wary as she went over to the kitchen with Seulgi following.

"Because it didn't matter, I'm fine either way. Just a little tired, but I got in some exersice too so win-win situation, right?", Seulgi gloated but Joohyun shook her head as she poured Seulgi a glass of water before handing her the cup.

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