Jill's kids are born and Coal's wedding

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With Jill....

Piranha rubs her belly: Today's the day.

Jill-( Pets him ) I know handsome~

Sango: I'm going to be a big sister!

Jill-( Smiles ) You sure are Sango

Sango giggles*

Ganon arrives with flowers*

Jill- Hello Ganon

Ganon: Hello my dear.

Jill chuckled.

Jill- How are you ?

Ganon: I'm doing good.

Jill- That's nice to hear

Ganon smiles*

Jill smiles and rubbed his hand

Then there is pain in her stomach*

Jill- Ohh !

Piranha: Senorita?! Is it time?!

Jill- Ow ! Y-yes !

Ganon: Quick, to the hospital!!

He carries Jill amd they teleported there

3 hours later..

Piranha and Ganon wait outside worried with Sango*

They hear her yell In bad pain

Sango: Oh no!

Her lover and mate are worried

Piranha: I hope senorita is okay...

Then Nurse Fanny cme out

Ganon looks*

Fanmy- Alright Piranha. ( Scowls ) Ganon. Ms. Konia is perfectly alright. Piranha she has your triplets and Ganon she has your baby boy

Piranha smiles: Awesome!!

Gnon- Wonderful !

Sango- Can we go see her ?

Fanny- Of course. Step right in.

She opened the door for them

They see Jill holding four bundles*

She smiles

Piranha: Senorita, where's our little ones?

Jill- I have the four of them dears.

They looked*

Piranha sees triplets. One is amale piranha with human like features Jills jair amd both their colored eyes. The first girl resembles circe but beautiful greem and has gold hair as the other little girl looks normal

Piranha: Awwwww

Gnon looks and sees a beautiful human baby boy with some of his features

Ganon: Awww.

Piranha: Paulo Dante and Sirena. Ganon: What about the other two?

Jill- Ill name my little girl Judy. You can name.our son Ganon. Its only fir

Ganon: Gabby

Jill smiles and pets her babies

The babies cooed*

Jill- Hi cuties.

The babies see their parents and coo nervously

Piranha smiles: Hey children.

The triplets coo at their parents as Gabby looks at his father

Ganon: Hello son.

Gabby coos a little nervous

Ganon pats his head*

Gabby smiles.

With Cordula....

She blushes as she gets ready for the moment

Pearl: I'm happy your getting married!

Cordula- I know !

Larimar finished putting makeup on her*

Cordula- Rhanks girls

Larimar: Your welcome.

Cordula giggles

Coal is ready*

Dorothy is the flower girl

Vero: Awwwwww.

Dorothy babbles and giggles s sh ewalks down the aisle throwing roe petals

Cordula walks down the carpet*

Cordula blushes and smiles down at coal

Coal smiles*

She then made it to the lter by thr capybara's s side

Coal smiles more*

Vexa- Dearly beloved , we are gsthered here tody to join this capybara and the blck swan jewelpets in jubilee marriage. Do you , Coal , take ( My first Jewelpet ) Cordula to be your lifelong mate for eternity ( Of possible ) ?

Coal smiles: I do.

Vexa- And do you , ( My dearest adorable ) Cordula take Coal to be your lifelong mate for even possible eternity ?

Cordula smiles: I do.

Vexa- Now for the small jewel rings.

Coal wears a dark purple coal ring as Coal placed a beautiful heart spinel Ring Necklace around Cordula's neck.

Vexa- I now pronounce you two capybara and wife. You may kiss the bride

Coal kisses Cordula*

The jewelpets cheered*

Dorothy babbled happily.

Time skip...

At the wedding

Everyone is celebrating* 

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