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*buzz buzz*
Urgggh that damn alarm interrupting my dream screw you alarm! Wait why am I fighting with the alarm again? Ok lemme get up and have a shower.... Ooh oh how I love showers. I got up took a shower and looked into my wardrobe for what to where. I eventually found a nice red guess shirt and wore it with my black high waisted jeans that make my butt look huge and a cardigan. I then put on eyeliner, mascara, a bit of lipstick and gloss then my Mac powder. I then put perfume and rushed downstairs before Tanya would yell her lungs out.
"How Long does it take you to get ready??? Tanya yelled
"I dunno.." I said
"Oh how am I related to this dummy!! Let's go to school"

We arrived at school and separated to our different friends. Tanya was my older sister she was in year 10 and she was almost every guys dream. She had the perfect body and she was soo pretty she had smooth light brown skin and pink lips and brown perfectly shaped eyes like mine but she had less dimples than me and a more oval face which made her soo much pretty and the hair stylist always does her hair better. She walked up to her click (the popular ones in her year and every year want them as friends) and she said hi and they shared a joke and her sexy boyfriend Damon came and hugged her from behind and the kisses oh how I wished that was me and Austin but he doesn't even talk to me.
"Hey dumbo!! Lost in your own world are you Again?" Anna yelled from our group. Yeah I know I am also in a click and the popular one wow just like my sister.
"Who you be calling dumb??!" I joked and gave her a hug. We all walked to my locker to get my books as I told them about the party I went to yesterday. "And then Tanya was like I dare you to go up to Jaden smith and start a conversation and I promise to join" I said as they all paid attention "did you do it?" Jd asked
"Hell yah!! Who is gonna miss that opportunity like bitch its fucking Jaden smith!! I was like hey what's your name and he came close to me and said I think you know he stared at me straight in the eyes and was like hi beautiful who is your friend over there staring at us? And I was like oh that's my sister Tanya and she came over and we all started chatting for the whole night and he gave us his number and we took a couple of selfies check his Instagram" I said as I showed them his number and and the pictures including his Instagram and snapchat which he was like with "my own little squad".

We continued talking and the rest of them shared the gossip and Jd has a girlfriend now!! But he won't tell us who he said that's for us to find out....hmmm secretive much?...

We stayed by our little corner and Austin and his crew passed by and I don't know why but Anna spoke for all of them and said now or never as the all looked at me and walked away from me and left me to make a move am And I freaked out and went in front of Austin and and asked Austin if I could talk to him for a second....he agreed oh God don't hyperventilate now you idiot..we walked to the water fountain and I finally broke the silence "hey" I said all nervous
"Hey" he replied with a cheeky grin "I'm Austin don't worry I already know your name Joanna" say my name say my name baby his voice was too God damn sexy!!
"So I have a party to attend tonight and I was umm wondering if you would like to escort me" I said while looking down really embarrassed
"Sure anything for you... Would you like to hang out after school" he asked and just that got me all hype up
"Yeah where do you wanna go?" I asked
"I'm going to the gym to work out while watching a soccer match"
"Urghh please tell me we are watching the Chelsea match cuz if not I'm will be missing a Chelsea match for you better feel special" I joked
"Of course it's Chelsea vs man city we all know who is gonna win" he said and at the same time like in movies we both yelled our teams and what a coincidence he supports man city and I support Chelsea we laughed it off and he asked if I could walk him to his Locker then we could go to class together. I got a few looks of shock and envy from girls and remember that being me a last year when he was dating Raquel the Spanish girl. It broke me to pieces.

He got his books and we were still talking about the match and then he said something that made my heart beat fast "let's make a bet then" he said with a cheeky grin
"Alright" I said trying to mock his grin which made him laugh
"If man city win I want a kiss not just a peck but full on kiss that has to last a minute or more" he said OMG I can't believe this is happening!!!!
"Ok and if Chelsea win what happens?" I asked? Cuz I couldn't say I wanted a kiss also "what ever you want sugar" he said "how about we do this again?" I said "you know talk make bets and who knows maybe someday you could get this kiss and it has to be special ok?" I said "why does it have to be special?" He asked smiling
I looked down embarrassed "cuz I always imagined my first kiss to be special"i said looking down and blushing
"Awww you lil fridgit" he mocked "I am surprised
"Cuz you have dated a lot of guys and you are popular soo.."
"We didn't kiss or anything cuz I didn't really like them that much to let them be my first"
"Awww" he said as he pinched my cheek and then we arrived at my class and he hugged me and said bye which made me feel tingly and before he let go the Tanya and Damon had to pass and Tanya winked at me and Damon gave me a little thumbs up (because he knew I liked Austin).
I left my last class at lunch and I saw Austin waiting for me then five seconds later Anna and Nina came to get me but when they saw me with him they gave me thumbs up and quickly left. "Hey" i said "missed me that much?" I joked
"Surprisingly I did" he said and held out his hand for me to hold and I held his back, just this touch had sent my heart to beat a million times faster that it could be heard from Mars. We walked to lunch in silence and when we reached the door he let go of my hand and for a second there I thought he was embarrassed of me but then to my relief he wasn't he just stopped to ask me a question. "Should we sit with my friends or yours?" He asked
"Why not together?" I asked
"We could join the two tables" I suggested
"Genius!" He stated then we went in and told our friends and we put our tables together and to my surprise the guys were actually really nice and we got along soo much and I couldn't believe that I finally was hanging with Austin and his crew and it was absolutely awesome. And I think Jason has a thing for Anna and she is totally starting to like him.
"Jojo I need to talk to you" Tanya said as she approached us
"Why now?" I said and she shot me a glare which I responded to immediately by standing up and walking with her to talk
"What do you think you are doing jojo??!" She demanded
"What do you mean by that?!" I said shooting her a glare
"I mean with Austin?"
"Can't I talk to the guy I like?"
"Why not you are not the boss of me!!"
"But I'm meant to watch out for you"
"Yeah you winked at me when you saw us earlier why'd you change you mind now??"
"Cuz what TT??!"
"Cuz I don't want you to get hurt and I heard you guys were hanging out after school and he is attending the party today with you!!" She was now raging
"Yeah so what? You have a boyfriend and an escort why can't I?!!"
"Fine do what you want but when you get hurt don't come crying to me cuz Tanya isn't gonna help" she snapped and walked away. God she is soooooooo Annoying!!! We always fight!! I retuned to the table and Anna knew I was pissed so she made everyone try to cheer me up and Austins gang finally got it and they tried also and I was soo happy!

earlier why'd you change you mind now??"
"Cuz what TT??!"
"Cuz I don't want you to get hurt and I heard you guys were hanging out after school and he is attending the party today with you!!" She was now raging
"Yeah so what? You have a boyfriend and an escort why can't I?!!"
"Fine do what you want but when you get hurt don't come crying to me cuz Tanya isn't gonna help" she snapped and walked away. God she is soooooooo Annoying!!! We always fight!! I retuned to the table and Anna knew I was pissed so she made everyone try to cheer me up and Austins gang finally got it and they tried also and I was so happy

So how did you like my second book yeah it is the complete opposite of my first but I just really wanted to write something like this so I was like what's the worst that could happen?? Right?
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