Chapter 1

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The girl whose parents kept her away from a dangerous life, the girl whose parents tormented her to be perfect. The girl who's name is Victoria, Victoria Hansley. Her parents Courtney and Blake Hansley, are apart of the Italian Mafia called 'vipere' (vipers) and are in massive debt with the world's most dangerous man Aiden Romano.

Aiden Romano, a 24 old attractive but cold-hearted man owns the largest Mafia in the world. It doesn't have a name so it isn't exposed to the public, even if it's the largest. Held at gun point, Aiden Romano has two guns against Courtney Hansley and Blake Hansley when Aiden and Victoria meet eyes.

Victoria's pov:
The small amount of sunlight that's comes every day at 6:30 am comes through the small crack of the open curtain in my bedroom. My fingernails touch the silk white pillowcase next to me and the sound of my finger brushing against it is faint, but makes me blink slowly. I fully open my eyes and sit up on my bed, I look at the time to see it's 6:32am. It was a Tuesday and I always woke up early to avoid seeing my parents, my shift starts at 7:30am but I work across the street since we live in an apartment building.

I get up from my bed and put the pillows on top of each other, covering the doona over them and flattening the crinkles in the bed sheets to make it look neat. I walk my way over to my small dresser. Pulling on one of the drawers and pulling out a black apron with the cafe's logo embroidered in the middle, then black cargo pants and some doc martens as shoes. I put on white lingerie and then place my uniform on. I tie both laces of my shoes and dust of my uniform incase of any crinkles or dirt, I then close my dresser drawer and open all my curtains fully to let the light in. I let out a small yawn and then walk over to my bathroom. 

I turn on the light and put my face close to the mirror, wiping the sleep from my eye and then splashing my face with water to wake me up. I wipe my face with the towel next to me and then brush my teeth. I don't eat at home instead I just eat something in the window at work. Looking up to the mirror again, I grab a comb from the small drawer and started to brush the ends of my hair. My hair is straight so I don't regularly have knots of messy hair but there will be a few loose strands. I do the pen hair style where you use a pen instead of a clip and let some small strands come out. I turn the light off and close the door to the bathroom and get my bag, ready to go to work. 

I walk down the stairs quietly so I don't wake my parents up I grab my water bottle from the fridge and then close the front door behind me, walking across the street to the cafe. The manager Christian is always there very early so I help him clean before opening time. I open the door and the bells jingle, he looks up to the sound and smiles at me. His hair is platinum blonde and he has hazel-brown eyes. I do get the idea that he likes me because he's always staring and blushing at me. But I don't have those type of feelings for him which I hope he knows somehow. I go to the staff only room and place my bag in my cubby for personal belongings. I go outside to say good morning to see him already putting the open sign on the door. That's weird it's way too early. 

It's probably nothing so I just brush it off. I smile at him and he smiles back, he meets me at the back of the counter and starts turning on all the appliances. A few people come in and sit themselves down and pick up the menu on their table. I wait a few minutes before going up to some of them with my notepad in my hand, I go up to an elderly woman and greet her before asking her what she would like to order. They day had gone by so quickly that my shift had ended. I look at my apple watch on my wrist to see the time, 5:30pm I walk over to the worker area and pick up my bag, saying goodbye to the other workers and heading across the road to my house.

I see a black Mercedez Benz car parked at the front of the apartment complex. That's weird. I have never seen that car before. The outside of the complex is very modern, we live in Los Angeles even though our blood and mafia is Italian, but we moved here to be safer. The inside of our apartment and the reception is the colours linen and dark black, I love the aesthetic and feel of it for some reason. I pressed the floor of our apartment and wait in the elevator, as the elevator stops I step out and walk to the front door. Hearing soft sobs and rummaging through the door I swipe my key card fast and burst through the door. I see my parents back to back, hands tied together, with a incredibly tall, muscled man facing them, holding a m16 towards their heads. I drop my bag and go to say something but my mum nods slightly telling me to be quiet. I nod back at her in response and go to find the doorknob but another man, around my age point out to me with a pistol. The man pointing the gun at my parents turns his head to me, his gaze stares at me intense, a smirk falling onto his face as he lowers his gun and makes his way towards me. I walk back to the door and try to open the door when his strong grasp holds my hand and door knob. Fuck, i'm stuck.

"Let go of me!" I yell intensely at him. He doesn't respond to me and grabs both of my hands and pulls me closer to him, our faces inches apart. I feel his hot breath against my neck, the small hairs on the back of my neck lifting up, heat roses up to my cheeks and I can't stop it. Am I attracted to this? One of his hands lifts up onto my left cheek as he soft slides his hand down my cheek, the feeling of contact from him feels.. nice and comforting. I snap out of my gaze to realise that my parents are literally tied together. I look at them in worry. He sees my face change from nervous to worry. He speaks italian to the other guy in the room, 

"slegateli, noi la prenderemo." (untie them, we will take her.) 

I look at my mum and dad, they were from Italy so they knew what he said. There eyes filled with what look like, happiness. What did he say? 

"figli di puttana." He scoffs. But this time I knew what it meant. It meant motherfuckers. I look at him with hundreds of questions as a few other men walk in, all wearing suits and having either m16's or machine guns by their sides.

"I'll let you off this time but your daughter is mine, consider yourselves fucked." He states. 

I open by mouth to say something as he covers my mouth with his finger. 

"Your parents were in massive debt with me, I was going to kill them but instead I will keep you." He says calmly, smiling also. I was the opposite of what he was feeling. My parents were happy to hand me over. I was happy about that part because they were total dicks to me my entire life but I just can't leave my life like this. I look at him with tears in my eyes, he wipes the small ones on the top of my cheeks, 

"Please don't cry Bellissima." he pleads, I'm still so confused on this whole situation and look him in the eyes. And then it's like it suddenly clicks. Aiden, Aiden Romano. That's who it is, he owns the world's largest mafia. My parents must've loaned money from him and don't have enough to pay him back. A few seconds later the men that barged in before are carrying suitcases, bags filled with all my clothes and stuff. Am I seriously moving out? He grabs my hand softly and opens the door, leading me outside. The seven men, Aiden and I are all in the elevator, his gaze hasn't left mine. We leave the elevator and make our way to now the several Black Mercedez, I look down the whole time and hear the voice of Christian calling my name. 

"Vic! Vic! Victoria!" He yells, I look up from the ground to see his confused face looking at Aiden and I. He runs across the road, anger building up in Aiden's face instantly. Christian faces towards me, questions running through his head probably. He goes to grab my free hand but Aiden smacks it before he can even move it an inch. 

"What are you doing Vic with this guy?" Christian questions. Aiden stares aggressively at him and locks eyes with him, Christian looks down at the ground, to nervous to meet eye contact with him again. 

"Starting from now, you don't call her Vic, you don't call her, you don't even think of her. If you do, I will shoot you in the dick so you bleed slowly." Aiden states, my mouth is shaped in an O shape and I feel slightly bad for Christian, he did nothing wrong and now his life could possibly be at state. I mouth a sorry to him as I enter the back seat of the car, Aiden hopping in after me while still holding my hand. He closes the door and waves sarcastically at Christian while the car drives away. 

I look at him slightly to see him already looking at me softly. His grey eyes are so memorizing. 

"Don't be worried, we are going to New York. That's our new home." 

'That's our new home' ........'our new home..' His words at the tip of my tongue. I stop looking at him and lightly bang by head on the top of the car seat, looking forward to ignore his facial features. 

"I know this may be a lot for you to take in, leaving so suddenly, leaving everything behind, but I can assure you, everything will be fine and you will love it in New York." He says to me, looking at me. I look back at him and he plants a small kiss on my cheek then a quick, but sloppy kiss on the cheeks, he pulls away and smiles to the window so i can't see his face. But I can obviously see the reflection. 

Ahhh omg first chapter is posted! I hope this wasn't cringey but I guess it might of been a bit boring as it is the first chapter of this book. But I can assure you that the book will get better next chapter as new characters get introduced.

#VAIDEN4LIFE aka Aiden and Victoria 

New chapter will be posted as soon as possible maybe even tomorrow as it is Sunday

Love you all! <3 - emma

1944 words

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