OMG PURPLE!!!!!!!...(One Direction turn me into a vampire)

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Sorry if this story is bad.This is my first story like ever!!!I am only 10 years old in real life so don't be mean, comment and tell other people about this story:)



Hi my name is Rose, Rose Elizabeth May and I'm a vampire,I really feel bad for being a vampire because everyday I drink my teachers blood when there not looking and they lose so much blood that some times they forget what they were talking about.It all started like this...


Beep, Beep, Beep ow! I hit my alarm clock (in a very annoyed face) forgot that my alarm clock is shaped like a cactus and hurts like one too!!!

I got up put on my glasses (oh and yes I do were glasses and I am kind of a nerd)

if I put on my contacts on I look really beautiful like really beautiful,I took a shower, got dress,brushed

my hair but I did nothing to my hair but put it in two pony tails like I do everyday, brush my teeth, put on some random clothes since I am going to no were special just going to school like any other day, and went down stairs to eat my breakfast.

After breakfast I got into my old, dent, faded green, and small car then drove to school like any other day I had to park at the last parking spot in the whole

school and not only it was the the last parking spot in the whole school it was about half a mile from school I always got that spot

because my ugly car was not welcome next to the cheerleaders, jocks, teachers, or even the regular kids because everyday after school I saw A note saying


I walked all the way to the gate walked in like always getting the unwelcome face from everyone even the teachers but this time I saw one new boy smiling at me he had curly brown hair and well I thought brown eyes but I can see though he has brown contacts on, his name was Harry styles.

I knew his name because every time we have a new student at the school the principle gives them a name tag saying their first and last name on it.

The school bell rang and everyone started run a cross the school to get to their first period, math.

I really hated the cheerleaders when I'm standing right next to them they pretend to whisper about me but in stead they say it out loud so I can hear it like one day a cheerleader said I think that four eye neard will meary a circus clown, well I think she not get meary at all and just be a loner. Well I know they don't like me and all but that was just plain mean.

After school I notice that the new boy from earlier Harry was in all my classes and been following me around so after school I thought he would stop following me but I was wrong after school he brought his 4 friends I also saw at school as new kids I don't know their names I just kept walking till I got to the alley between my house and Burger King then I turn around and it was like they disappeared in thin in my head I scream YES THEIR GONE!!! I walked in the Burger King went into the restroom looked in the mirror took off my glasses put on my contacts, change into a dress, and put on just a little makeup then I walked out of the restroom and thought of if they saw me wearing this, would they tell the whole school?

I walked out of Burger King then walked in the alley then I saw something with purple eyes wait I saw another one they got closer to me but I tripped over what I thought was small can but it was not a can repeat it was not a can it was a big fat dead rat or squirrel? I think what ever dead animal it was it stunk and had its blood everywhere I scream ahhhh! then tried to get up but I think my leg broke when I fell so I started scream HELP!!!!!then crawled to my back yard gate but the latch was too hight for me to reach so I grabbed a long stick next to me and tried to open the latch but just when I about had it one of the things with the purple eyes grab stick and said nighty night Rose as he lad stick down next to me and put this white napkin over my mouth I breath in it but that made it worse I felt suddenly sleepy then it was black...


Hey thanks for reading. remember I am only 10 years old in real life so don't be mean, Please comment, and tell people about this book.

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