WHAT AM I ?!!! and WHO ARE YOU ?!!!

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Hey please read I know not that much people are reading but I am continuing any way I am 10 remember comment please don't be mean:)



I rubbed my eyes thinking that I just had the weirdest dream then I thought that i don't remember walking home last night? All I

remember was that I was in the alley. I slowly open my eyes then I saw those things in my dream with purple eyes but their eyes

weren't purple their were normal like mines and instead of 3 of them their was 5 and we were all in a big big RV the ones with beds but

this one was twice the size of regular RVs.Then I got scared too think that what i thought was a dream was really real and that I really

broke my leg and that I could be kidnapped right now? I quickly closed my eyes thinking hopefully they isn't see me awake but I was

too late one of the things grabbed my arm and yelled to his friends SHE'S AWAKE! SHE'S AWAKE! The RV stopped all 5 stand up and

grabbed me two grabbed my legs, two grabbed my arms, then the one who told everyone I was awake grabbed rope and said its time. I

can't wait! then his eyes turn purple and fangs popped out I was so scared that I was scared I screamed HELP!!! PURPLE VAMPIRE!!!

I ran out of breath and I just sounded like a little kid. They lade me on the bed then tied each of my arm and legs to the edge of the

bed. I couldn't get up they all surrounded me all of them had their fangs pop out and turn their eyes purple. There were one next to

each of my arms and legs and one next to my neck. They counted to three 1...2...3 they all bit me at the same time I lose so much blood I fainted.


ok now all we have to do is give her a little of all are vampire blood. Who's wants to go first I DO!! I DO!! Louis said ok you can but not

too much ok Louis ok Harry. Every time you turn a human into a vampire (oh and yes we are turning her into a vampire but with little

of all are powers so like a super vampire) you have to give that person some of your vampire blood if their is more than one vampire

turning a person into a vampire the more blood you give them the more similar you are. Louis doesn't have any brothers like everyone

else so he wants to give them more blood so it will be like if they were his brother or sister.


I hate when I don't have a sister or a brother and everyone else does. that's not fair! I tried to give her just a little more blood than

everyone else but Harry timed me after 10 seconds I had to stop giving her blood but after a quarter of a second after 10 seconds with

vampire speed and strength Harry slapped my arm away with a little bit of blood landing Zayn's new leather jacket Zayn knew he

could clean it off super easy but he didn't care he throw a wet sponge, soap, and his jacket I really didn't care that I had to wash his

jacket. After they all put some of their vampire blood into her I left the room so did everyone else.


I woke up tied to a bed,on a very big RV, and scared like a elephant seeing a mouse. Then I

OMG PURPLE!!!!!!!...(One Direction turn me into a vampire)Where stories live. Discover now