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When the bell rang to dismiss everyone, you waited for a little bit. Once the hallway was a little bit more clear, you made your way outside. You saw Eddie and ran up to him, giving him a hug. He didn't say anything, hugging you back. It wasn't until then he saw another patch on your face.

"What the hell happened this time!?"

"Some girl punched me in the face. I broke my nose when I fell back down on the ground."

"You've got to be kidding me."

You shook your head.

"Hey, the good thing is I punched her back."

He laughed a little as he heard that, but quickly went back to being serious. He started driving you home holding your hand. Once you got there, you were about to get out but you passed out on the gravel.

"Y/N! Y/N, can you hear me!?"

He then picked you up in a hurry and brought you inside.

"Ms. Summers! Something's wrong!"

She then saw you.

"Is she okay!?"

"I don't know! She just passed out!"

She then took you putting you on the couch. Eddie and your mom sat in the kitchen. He was talking about what happened earlier and then what you told him. Soon enough, you woke up. You then slowly walked into the kitchen. Your mom instantly hugged you then sat you down.

"Honey, how many fingers am I holding up?"


"Okay what about now?"


"Okay, she's good. So, Eddie told me what happened. Honey, I'm just going to say, always fight back. I don't care if I get a call saying that you're suspended or whatever because you hit someone when they hit you first. I want you to fight back, no matter what. Like you did today. Even though you broke your nose and somehow handled the pain of that, you got up and fought back."

"I know. I always fight back. I'm not weak and I'm sure as hell not going to lose to some cows more so known as the school girls. They're too petty to be given the privilege of winning anything anyway."

Eddie laughed at your comment about the girls. Your mom gave him a stern look and he stopped.

"I wasn't saying you were. All I'm saying is, just fight back. Nobody's gonna say or do anything anyway unless it's a teacher. All they're gonna do is lecture you anyway, so there's no big deal in this that I see. So, just keep it up, okay?"


~Time skip to when Jason and his friends are back~

Within the time that Jason and his buddies have been gone, you were starting to stand up to people. You fought back. Though, what haunted you was when Jason would be back. You knew that was going to be a tough challenge and the thought haunted you everyday.

Your mom drove you to school. You saw a familiar car.

'Today's the day'

Eddie Munson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now