The Kiss note is back! and it has a new owner!
A Sequel to the Anime, Love Tyrant, comes this new series. Kyle is a Fallen Angel from Hell Vegas and weirdly, found his way out of Hell to the real world. Join him and the rest of the characters from t...
We get a flashback of when Kyle was dating Giratina and hearing her plans.
Kyle: So your saying you want to show everyone how your power would change Hell?
Giratina: Yes. But it's to show everyone how my power isn't like theirs.
But what she didn't know was that Kyle was interested in her Blade.
Kyle: So, your Blade?
Giratina: Hmm?
Kyle: Well since you were sealed by the two weapons that trapped you, why need your own?
Giratina then giggles from his question.
Giratina: Well let's just say this one belongs to me...and then the others!
After hearing thoses words, Kyle then got nervous of what she was really planning.
*Insert Intro*
In now Present Day in the Aino household, Akua was still thinking on why she was getting flustered on why she acts strange towards Kyle, since he is Guri's older Brother.
Akua: Why am I acting this way? I mean he did save me when I was younger, but then he disappeared all of a sudden? Why is that?
She didn't know how she was feeling it, but she had to get answers.
Meanwhile, Kyle was still in his room, trying to figure out where the Location of the Blades were. He was interested in the one that was in Hell, that looked simular to him.
Kyle: Huh? This Y shaped place kind of looks like the Mus...
He then realised what it was.
Kyle: The Museum, of course!
He then quickly closed the journal and called the others.
Kyle: MES! MARSHA! I found where the first blade is!
Mes: Really?
Marsha: Where?
Kyle: Y-You know the Museum downtown home?
They all then knew what he was going on about.
Mes: I'll call Rie and tell her about it. She will tell her boss and I hope they'll let us take it.
Kyle: Nice, we couldn't just steal it! Meet everyone there?
Marsha: We'll wait for you soonish.
They all hung up as Kyle closed the Journal, grabbed a bag and put the journal inside of it. He headed downstairs in a rush in excitement. Before he headed outside, he was stopped by Akua, who looked like she was heading out.
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Kyle: A-Akua?
Akua was then silent when he appeared infront of her.
Kyle: I'm sorry for rushing into you, but...I'm just excited because I found the first thing that I need!