Fawn and Nyx

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Hey guys, sorry for the long wait. I lost motivation but here you go :)

Thanks to @yanneMalfoy073 for the request for this one.


Fawn had once again brought another animal into Pixie Hollow. This time it was a baby hawk she had named Hannah. Things had gotten out of hand and Nyx and her crew swooped in to protect the fairies. 


Hannah tumbled to the ground trapped under a net.

"Wait! Everybody calm down!" Fawn flew over to the scene. "I promise she doesn't even like the taste of scout fairy!" She winked at Nyx. Fawn comforted the bird but Nyx wasn't having it. 

"Get away from the hawk, Fawn. Let us handle this." Nyx growled through gritted teeth.

"There's nothing to handle Nyx. Anyway, a talented scout fairy like you shouldn't have to deal with my problems."

"I don't mind doing this Fawn. It's my job. Now stand down." 

"Is everyone alright?" Asked Queen Clarion as she appeared behind Nyx. Fawn and Nyx tried to explain the situation, but ended up arguing over Fawn's many unwelcome animals. Queen Clarion stepped in to teach Fawn a lesson. "Girls, to teach Fawn a lesson on keeping Pixie Hollow safe, I would like you two to spend a week together researching the roar many of us heard this morning!" 

"What!!! I have to spend a whole week with Fawn????? What about my duties?" Nyx exclaimed.

"Oh please. Who wouldn't want to spend a week with me? This will be a blast!" Fawn jumped up and down with excitement. She had trouble hiding her emotion. She had developed a small crush on the mysterious scout fairy since they first met. She kept it a secret as she never thought that Nyx could feel the same about her. Maybe this would be her chance to get to know her more.

The next day...

Fawn rushed around her room secretly gathering supplies for her trip to visit the Neverbeast. She giggled with excitement. But she had forgotten that Nyx was spending the day with her until she appeared at her doorway. 



"I've been looking everywhere for you! So where've you been? Off hiding a hippo?"

"Yep! He's bunking with the bobcat" She winked.

"Come on, it's time for us to search for the source of the mysterious roars."

"Remind me what the roar sounded like. Animals make all kinds of noises. What kind was it." Fawn questioned while busily flying around the room, handing things to Nyx.

"The loud, monstrous, hair raising kind" Nyx said in her typical monotonous tone.


"NO! Fawn listen to me!" Nyx flew closer until their faces were nearly touching. "This thing might be a threat to Pixie Hollow! If you see any signs, I need to know! We need to work together to stop whatever this is! Are we clear?"

Although Fawn found Nyx intimidating, she secretly admired her assertiveness and self-confidence. 

A few days into their research, Fawn went to talk to Queen Clarion about keeping the Neverbeast safe. To her surprise, Nyx was already there. This caught her off guard and she got flustered and backed towards the door. "You know what, it can wait."

"Fawn, I'm glad you're here." Queen Clarion said calmly. 

"So am I" Nyx said seductively raising an eyebrow. 

After the meeting, Fawn couldn't fall asleep, thinking about the way Nyx looked at her. She decided she would confront Nyx about her feelings the next morning. 

Fawn was about to knock on Nyx's door when it swung open and Nyx was standing right in front of her. 

"What are you doing here?"

"Nyx, I have something I need to say to you!" 

"Fawn, I have to tell you something too!"

"I know we didn't get along very well when we first met but I just want you to know that I feel a real spark with you. I need to know that you feel the same. I can't stop thinking about you and it's keeping awake!"

"Me too! I thought that you wouldn't see me this way but my feelings are too strong!" This show of emotion was unusual for Nyx. Fawn leaned in and kissed Nyx and although Nyx was worried about losing professionalism, she kissed Fawn back. Nyx pulled Fawn into her room and slammed the door behind them.

The next morning, Fawn woke up very confused. She wasn't in her room and could feel someone sleeping next to her. Then the events of the night before started to come back to her and she smiled as she looked over to find Nyx sleeping beside her.  Fawn quietly slipped out of bed to make breakfast for the both of them. They had a big day ahead of them, still searching for the Neverbeast.

"Aww you made me breakfast, darling!" Nyx said sleepily.

"I tried my best, I'm not much of a cook" Fawn said as she served up burnt toast and mushy eggs.

"Mmmmmm smells delicious." Nyx lied as she smelled the horrible burnt odour. As she bit into her charred piece of bread, she could tell this was who she wanted to spend her life with. 

The end.

Next chapter in about 1 year 

see you then

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2022 ⏰

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