< " - Shortie - " >

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< . Sapnap's POV . >

"Come on, already. You guys are so slow!" I shouted across the hall to hurry George and Dream. Urgh,  why are they taking so long? Seriously, I want to get out of this house. I took out my phone to check on Twitter. People have wondered why George has not been streaming or updating a video. I have to tell George later. I could hear footsteps. I turned towards the sound and saw George making his way down, still wearing Dream's shirt that is too big for him and the jeans he wore yesterday. God, he is really cute. I'm not going to lie or try to hide the fact. 

"Hi!" George said happily, bouncing on his feet. Okay, he got to stop being cute. I have someone in mind already. "Hello, shortie." I said to him, jokingly, which he fake gasped and said, "I am average height, for your information. You're just stupidly tall." 

"Of course, you're average height in the dwarf kingdom," I said, laughing at my joke, which George just pouted and turned away. "I'm just joking, and you're super, super tall." I can hear George chuckle. "S-shut up! You're dumb." George said while chuckling. "Fine, anything for you. princess.". 

"S-Sapnap, what the heck did you just call me! Don't call me that ever again. Ew! Anyway, do you have any mask here?" I can hear George getting a little shy through his tone makes me want to make fun of him even more. However, I should stop. I'll continue later, maybe. "It's in the kitchen top drawer-" I haven't even finished my sentence, and he is already walking off. Rude. "To the right!" I raised my voice a little higher so he could hear me. "Thanks, Sapnap!" I smiled at his gratitude and began the waiting game again. Soon after George left to find his mask, Dream came out from the toilet. "Finally! What the heck are you doing in there for so long?" I yelled at him. "Taking my sweet time." When I heard that, I whacked his shoulder, earning an ouch from Dream. Before Dream could retaliate, I quickly ran behind George, who was dumbfounded by what was happening. "Protect me, George!" I screamed. "Pussy, how do you think I can win against him. I'll die." I heard George say, chuckling, to which I replied with a little smack to his head. Dream just stood there staring at George again. Simp. "So, are we going now?" George asked Dream, looking at him.

"Ye, let's go." Dream snapped out of his trance and led the way out. "Heck yeah, finally!" I cheered as we walked out.

We go in Dream's car to the mall, which he and I frequent quite often, wanting to show George where we go and what we often do. The mall's name is SMP, which stands for super mall place. I guess the reason why Dream and I love this place was because of the name. During the car ride, we listened to songs and talked about the upcoming days until we finally reached the mall.

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