Chapter 28 Punishment 🍋

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Warning slight rape and cuss words⚠️

Branch pov

I smirked as I pulled poppy into my room locking the door she looked at me in confusion and fear while I gave her an evil grin

"Get on the bed......"


"Get on the bed" I repeated

"Wh-why?" she knowing exactly why

"You forgot already my love you're punishment~"

I said in a singing voice

She gulped and immediately grew worried

"Branch please no why.....?"

She asked while I looked at her annoyed and rolled my eyes then looked back at her

"You've been a very bad girl~"
I responded licking my lips

Poppy knew he was mad she didn't want him to be upset with her more because that means he would be too rough.....and mean

He waited glaring at her and she immediately got on the bed while he went to get the rope to use to tie her up on the bed pose

Once he was done he looked at her and smiled

"don't worry, the ropes ain't too tight on you"

He reassured as if that was what she was afraid of

Poppy pov

He climbed into the bed getting on top of me while I was tied up he wasted no time to take off his vest

"B-Branch, wait-" I begin to stutter in panic

"Shut up" he cut me off he roughly placed his lips on mine his lips moved against mine and his tongue was forced into my mouth

I let out a moan as he began to grind himself against me his lips moved to my neck and he immediately started sucking making a hickey mark

"A-ah! Branch..." I moaned

"Don't enjoy this to much, remember I'm punishing you not pleasuring you" He threatened

This is what I was afraid of

He forced my clothes off my body after taking off his and beginning to rub my clit then he sucked on my right nipple while massaging the other one

"Oh~" I moaned

"Don't moan anymore if you moan I'll do something else that you won't enjoy"........

he said threatening tone "Oh, and don't cum without my permission either"

He began to rub me faster while I leaned back biting my lip trying to avoid making any sounds

He put his face between my legs and slowly licked teasing me then he began to suck

My eyes rolled to the back of my head and a small moan escaped my mouth say he heard it

"What did I just say slut?" He asked in an angry tone I looked up at him as tears slowly came out by his hurtful word Slut......

"B-b-b-branch I-


"Branch, please" I protested

"You're gonna shut up poppy and take it like the whore you are!" He insulted

I looked away biting my lip to hide how much his words hurt me

He thrusted himself into me making it impossible for me to stay quiet

I pleasure I felt made me forget about his hurtful words, for a second

"He looked down noticing me enjoying it he immediately yelled making me stare at him with fear

"I knew it! You don't care who you're screwing do you?" He asked



"N-no!.....Th-that isn't t-t-true" I denied he angrily sped up his pace another moan left my mouth




he yelled slapping me across the face making me sob this time


He hissed bending me over I begged him to stop he didn't instead he tied the rope tighter around my wrists

I'll make sure this is the punishment you won't ever forget.", He spat out before he slammed himself into my butt without warning and thrusted it in and out of me so hard that I thought the pain was gonna kill me

"BRANCH PLEASE STOP THIS HURTS!!!!", I yelled making him going even faster than before

"FUCKING TAKE IT BITCH SLUTS LIKE YOU DESERVE THIS!!!", he yelled making me sob very loud he noticed but didn't stop instead making himself go even faster

I continued sobbing until my the inside of my butt started bleeding I screamed feeling a very bad sharp pain inside my butt

He opened his eyes feeling liquid down his leg he looked down to see what he done he immediately looked very scared and afraid

Did he take it too far he just hurted her very badly he pulled out to see her anus was bleeding more

"Poppy......I- he stopped and went to grab a towel to clean me up then rolled me on my back then started untying me then placed his hand on my cheek and wiped away my tears

But tears are still coming down my face he instead grabbed me and pulled me into a hug then placed a kiss on my cheek

"I'm so sorry poppy I shouldn't have said those things and done that to you please tell me your ok......I wasn't thinking I was just angry please forgive me"

He asked in a sad tone I wasn't able to answer him I couldn't look at him there it was again his instant mood changes He became mean and nice again it was too confusing I hated it

I......loved him but another part of me doesn't

(She will be mine) ~♡ Yandere Branch x PoppyWhere stories live. Discover now