Chapter 4 - Baraq Kingdom

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Third Person POV

The Woman Named Akeno Questioned the Group on their intentions behind wanting to find the man named kuro The group explained That they were looking for a man named Wade, At the Mention of the name wade Akeno Grew Less Suspicious of the three And she Led them Back to her shop Where she sat them down and made them tea.

"So tell me boys why are you Looking for Wade of all People?"

Indra Spoke up after Akeno Said this.

"Because He might have something to do with a Man that attacked us, And the man Hinted that they we're gonna do something else...So we're Trying to Prevent that"

Akeno Took a Sip of her tea. "It sounds like your intentions are noble but how do i know your not lying."

It was Blizzards turn to reply to the Lady. "We Just dont want Anyone Else to get Harmed, So will you help us or not."

Akeno Let out a sigh before Looking at the three with a slight smile. "You all are true adventurers if protecting others is what you really seek...."

Akeno's Smile dropped and changed into a serious face.

"Last i Heard Kuro was Somewhere in The Kingdom of Baraq...A Blacksmith."

Dialgo stood up after Akeno was finished talking.

"Thank you miss um.."


"But we Know where we need to go next! We should get a move on" Dialgo said with excitement He had never been in the Lighting Zone Before.

"Its Dark, You Adventurers shouldn't be travelling at night. Especially at F rank" Akeno Reasoned.

"But we dont have anywhere Else to stay for the night so why not travel" Indra Said.

"I own a Inn down the Street you all can stay there for the night."

"Thank you!" All three of them said in unison.

And So For the Night Blizzard Indra and Dialgo Stayed at the Inn.


One of Wades Servants Crept In The Hakiro Kingdom's Queen Study Moving Silently The Pawn was a Thief after all so he always moved silently, Though this pawn had a name Yuto. The Teenager Silently Searched Through the study, He didn't find what he was Looking for, Soon He heard footsteps Traveling towards the study.

Yuto Acted Quickly looking around for a hiding spot when he found a Ventilation Grate he Quickly Pried it off gently to keep it intact he then Climb inside the Ventilation Shaft putting the grate back on just in time As The Queen And her Guards Walked into the study.

"So You all Found this spellbook In the Zones Temple? How so Considering I've sent Search teams their before and they didn't find anything"

The Guards were Clueless themselves and didnt know how the book got their or why it was their.

"I must go talk to the general stay here And Guard this room no one but me comes in" Talumis Sat the book on her desk before exiting through the Large door.

this book was what Yuto was after and he needed to get that book by any means Necessary. Yuto Pulled out 5 Small pellets He then Flowed Mana into all five of them before sliding them through the grate, he then put on a gas masked he packed.

The Pellets Went Off Sending a Green Gas All around the room The Guards Didnt even have one minute to respond and Activate their magic before they were subdued by the gas.

Yuto Hastly Exited the Ventilation Shaft not even bothering to Put the Grate back where it once was Yuto Grabbed the Book before diving out of the Large window that the Moonlight Shined through Yuto then Created Dragon Wings on his back. This was possible because Yuto was a Slime.

Yuto Flew off Into the Night Sky.


Blizzard and Company Had Gotten Ready For the Travel to baraq Wishing goodbye to Akeno but as a farwell Gift Akeno had given each of them one health potion before wishing them goodbye.


"Finally we have arrived at Baraq!" Indra Said with a Smile as the group entered through the kingdom Gates.

"Who is the Ruler here again? I forgot." Dialgo said Sheepishly.

"I think Their name is Lucia." Blizzard Replied as he looked around the Kingdom. The group explored Baraq Kingdom They Hit up The Baraq Kingdom Library Searching for Any books named Watchlist. The found multiple Watchlist books all of the people in them we're Deceased Adventurers, They Read Multiple Names Like Andreas Armstrong , Jack Storm , Vanity Black , Kumo Ichika , The Amount of books was seemingly endless. The Group Found nothing and Left the Library.

"We cant forget our mission everyone we need to find Kuro before something really bad happens" Blizzard Said at the Two. Immediately after a Voice Spoke at them.

"Who needs to find Kuro?"

Finally Chapter four done! Might do a Double Update today maybe even Triple It really depends on if im not burnt out after the second Update Bye Luvs

Bon Voyage! <3

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