Death Statement

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The fact of life is scary,
Think about it and never remain merry,
It's alll a lie,
Because the fact is that we live to die.

Fights, wars, series of struggles,
No man can deny that they alll cause trouble,
Killing, slaughtering, bursting others bubbles,
But what they don't realize is that they'll soon walk in blood puddles.

It's like a series with endless episodes,
Everyone's episodes end when they give up the ghost,
It's like a horror film to the weak and the poor,
Where their problems is like giving the universe a tour.

It's like a thriller to the weak,
And like drama to the meek,
But to all the evil its a comedy when people go of the peak,
They all die all of them either with their mouth or a thick beak.

The trick to life is that we are the main characters to our film we decide if we want to be The antagonist or protagonist,
Death strikes at different times,
It's a race that is finished in gaps,
So only time will tell,
Run your race well,
death won't warn us though,
So if you're ready,
Get set,
Let's Go!!


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