i. zoro

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"You're finally up." - You stiffen as you hear a familiar feminine voice that belongs to a certain redhead.

"Yeah, is it that late?", "Not really, It's probably the fact that we were all up really early" Sighing, you slowly nod and get up, you feel yourself slightly shiver as the cold breeze hit your body after you had removed your blanket.

"Where are the others?" You question, "They're in the kitchen waiting for Sanji to finish preparing breakfast." Nami responds.
"I see.. Did we arrive anywhere yet?" You slightly tilt your head, "Not yet, although the weather is becoming warmer by the second, I assume we're most likely gonna reach a hot area" You nod and head to the kitchen,

Not even at the doorstep could you hear the rowdy yelling of your crewmates, but it doesn't bother you one bit, afterall, you were pretty much used to it. Even though you've had only joined the crew a few days ago, Not even a day after and you had already felt like you were at home. Although you do miss your hometown, you were glad that you had met and decided to stay with these guys.

You hear footsteps approaching you and turn to see Nami heading towards you, She opens the door to reveal the view of your crewmates having fun and some scolding Luffy for taking their share of food. They all give you and Nami a short glance before going back to do their own stuff, Well, Excluding sanji.

"NAMI-SWANNNNN!" You and Nami perk as sanji comes sprinting and twirling like a mini tornado towards you and Nami's direction. "Sanji! Is breakfast prepared?" You question, "Of course it is! Don't you see these guys fighting for a literal piece of bagel?!" Nami responds, "I wasn't really focused, I guess the morning spirit just hasn't gotten into me yet." You comment as you make your way to the table where your crewmates are sitting at, You sit between Brook and Robin. "Good morning [Y/N]-san! How was your sleep?" Brook asks, "Decent." is all you say as you dig into your morning meal.

Half-way into your meal could you have seen Zoro staring at you from the corner of your eye, You spare him a glance then proceed to smile and wave, he then blushes after realising that he had been caught and looks away quickly. After the whole crew had finished their meals you all head out as you feel the warm breeze, "Look! An island!" You look around to see Usopp pointing at a direction to your left as you spot a huge summer island not too far away.

You decided to have a chat with Zoro for a bit before arriving at the island. Yes, you liked Zoro and it was no secret to most of the crew, Neither were you afraid to admit it. He on the other hand, was not only a total tsundere, but was also oblivious and dense as hell to your obvious advances, at that point you were just deciding to give up. But you decided to give him a last chance to notice your advances.

You spot Zoro resting on the floor by the railing, he opens his eye to spare you a quick glance as you approach him. "What's up?" - "Nothing, was just trying to sleep but apparently it's hard to do so with someone nagging me all the time" He responds, "Why so defensive all of a sudden? I was just asking how you're doing.. Is this a cover-up so I don't realize you have feelings for me?" You remark "Obviously not! And I'm not being defensive, I'm just not in the mood right now", "Yeah, right.." You trail off then slowly sigh, he notices your discomfort then begins to speak again, "..I'm sorry, that was a little outta pocket, It's not that I don't wanna spend time with you it's just.." He trails off and fixes his position, stuffing his hands into his pockets and staring at the ground. "It's just?" You slightly tilt your head, waiting for him to continue his sentence -

"I like you, [Y/N], and there's no denying it, I'm pretty sure it was obvious by now that I do, I gotta admit that this 'oblivious as hell' act I've been keeping up was a pretty stupid cover up, And although I knew that you liked me too I just couldn't bring myself to confess" You stared at him for a few seconds blank-minded at his sudden confession, before you start to speak again, "I see.. And you're right. I do like you too, And that act of yours? It was getting on my nerves, you're an idiot for that you know." He sighs at your remark "Yeah.. I'm aware."

You both stay there for what had felt like hours in comfortable silence, that is until Zoro starts to speak up again, "..Since we both like eachother, does that mean we're.. dating, maybe?" He says, You suddenly snicker at his comment which makes him slightly blush and look away, embarrassed of what he had just said. "Of course you idiot, Well.. only if you want too..." "Obviously, I really want you-! I mean.. I want to!" That was what had sent you into an uncontrollable laughter, This time Zor covered his face and his blush had reached his ears, for the second time he was extremely embarrassed, "In that case, we are dating!" You comment through laughter, Zoro looks at you and grins slightly, He proceeds to give you a quick peck on the lips, one which you return quickly before he lays his head on your shoulder and quickly falls asleep.

"𝗜 𝘄𝗮𝗻𝘁 𝘆𝗼𝘂, 𝘁𝗼𝗼"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2022 ⏰

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