✵ forty-one ✵ *

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a/n: i wrote this book when I was 19.  the content that takes place in this chapter is something that I would not necessarily agree with now that I am older and have relooked at this chapter, however, I am republishing this book the way that it was written when it was on my previous account and had over 1M reads


Harry's POV

      There was a part of me that was still pissed at her for going through my phone, and having my mother come here when I wasn't ready. It wasn't fair, and even if I had been crying for my mother, Finley shouldn't have gone out of her way to get her to come here. Sure, I adored the hell out of my mother, but I truly hadn't been prepared for her to come, and I certainly wasn't ready for my girlfriend to meet her.

Trey had been the one knocking on my door at about ten in the evening. It wasn't that late, but my mother was already asleep in the other room. I was watching television, praying to God that this stupid shit on my arm would heal quickly, but I knew that was a lot to ask. After all, it had just happened two nights ago, I couldn't have expected anything too big to happen yet. Answering the door, Trey didn't appear phased at my lack of clothing. I only had a pair of boxers on, but he had seen me without even those on when I had been really gone after parties, or even just alone in my home. He was supposed to come up here and tell me when Finley made it back, so I went to shut the door, realizing what the message was when he stopped it.

"She's pretty drunk," he told me.

"Yeah, and?"

"And she wanted me to tell your precious lil face that she misses you."

"She should have thought about that before—"

"Sir, I try to be as respectful as I can to you, but you're being quite the dick. All she did was fly your mother here to see you. That was it. She wasn't trying to be a bitch, she was thinking about what you wanted."

His words were cold, and I could tell he really was trying to be respectful. It wasn't harsh, and rather him just getting to the point. He had a good argument, but I handled things much differently than the average person. I tried my best to have control over everything that I could, knowing that I couldn't always have control in the past. My mother was one of those things that I thought I had control over when I brought Finley to see her, but she had taken that from me. I wasn't intending to be an absolute jerk, but it turned out that way, when really, I was just upset that she had taken the option of me choosing when they got to meet.

"She wants to see you."

"God, okay, okay, I'll go see her. I need to put more clothes on first, and leave a note for my mother."

He nodded, telling me to have a good night, and reminding me what room she was in. I then put on a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt, followed by scribbling out a note that said where I was. Slipping my phone into my pocket, I didn't care that I only had socks on as I left with a key card, heading to Finley's room downstairs. It didn't take that long to get to, leaving me to double check I had the right room before knocking. There was slight stumbling from the other side before the door was being opened, my eyes wide at the sight of her dress hiked up to just below her chest.

"My babyyyyyy," Finley greeted me.

"Jesus Christ," I scoffed, pushing her inside gently, and shutting the door behind me. "I see all the way up to just below your chest, and you opened the door like that. What were you thinking, baby?"

She looked puzzled, glancing down at herself, and then blushing. It was obvious she was distracted by me, not caring about the problem that was her dress. I was kind of tired currently, having been resting in bed, but it was clear she was farther gone than I had anticipated. I carefully fixed her dress, turning her around, and unzipping her dress.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2022 ⏰

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