"I Did It For Love"

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Like it says in the tags, this is a roleswap au. Both Aeor and Exor swap roles as the good and evil god respectively. Ultimately switching Scott and Xornoth's roles as their champions as well. 

Trigger Warnings in case you skipped the tags: Please note that there is non-consensual touching, manipulative tactics and underlying coercion in this fic. If that makes you uncomfy or triggers you, feel free to stop reading here. If you do continue, please read at your own discretion. Stay safe y'all.


Third Person's P.O.V.

"Why?" Jimmy suddenly said, breaking the silence in the chilly throne room.

Scott raised a brow and said, "I'm gonna need you to be more specific than that codboy."

Anger flared up within Jimmy at that nickname but he quickly extinguished it. Exchanging the scowl that begun to grow on his face with an eerily calm expression. Anger would get him nowhere. He learned that lesson long ago. The chains around his wrists that magically tethered him to Scott were but a constant reminder.

"Why..." Jimmy began but trailed off, remaining silent for a moment before resuming, "The world was already falling apart before you decided to wreak havoc on what was left. You didn't hesitate to kill everyone else. To cover everything in sight with ice, snow and corruption. Yet... you spared me. And Xornoth too based on one of the prophecies Lizzie shared with me once before."

Jimmy cut himself off again. Fat, salty tears welling up in his eyes and threatening to spill over at the thought of his older sister. His seabling who was gone much too soon and whom he missed terribly. There was nothing he wanted more than to be wrapped in one of her hugs at this moment. To cry into her abdomen while she gently cards a hand through his hair and whispers assurances to him. 

Scott picked up on Jimmy's line of thought and shifted the position of the cod hybrid on his lap. He moved Jimmy so that he was sitting with his legs dangling off the side of the throne. Scott bundled him up in his arms in an eerily similar manner that Lizzie would. Jimmy internally cursed himself as his body began to relax in the demon's hold. He squeezed his eyes shut as tears continued to fall and resisted the urge to flinch as Scott carded a frosty hand through his hair. A minute or two passed before Jimmy was back to exuding that eerie calm from before.

"What I'm trying to say is," Jimmy continued, "why did you do all of this?"

A darkness fell over Scott's piercing red eyes and he smirked. The demon then cupped Jimmy's cheek. His naturally cold hand sent a few shivers throughout Jimmy's body as he caressed the cod hybrid's cheek with his thumb. The gentleness of the action made Jimmy feel icky but he didn't dare to bat the demon's hand away. Instead, he tolerated the sickeningly affectionate action until Scott spoke.

"When I was chosen as Aeor's champion," Scott explained, "I not only received my ice magic and the ability to spread His corruption as I pleased. I was also blessed with some invaluable knowledge. Knowledge that would drive any normal, weak-minded person insane. I might just share it with you in detail one day. We have an eternity in this world that I've built for us after all my precious little poppy."

Jimmy flinched out of Scott's hold at that. He didn't immediately regret it as his mind was preoccupied with other things. There was a twinge of familiarity with that nickname. He'd never been called that before though. So... why?

Scott smirked again as he recognized the wheels turning in Jimmy's brain. Satisfied with himself, he decided to let that flinch slide. Just this once. Scott then grabbed Jimmy's chin. As he brought the cod hybrid's focus back to him, the demon shifted their position on the throne once more. The resulting movement caused Jimmy to wrap his arms around Scott's neck so that he didn't fall forward and press into Scott more than he already was. His cheek's flushed pink in embarrassment at their new seating arrangement while Scott smiled darkly. One of his hands sensually ran up and down Jimmy's thigh as the other took hold of the codfather's chin once again. Forcing the Codfather's soft brown eyes to stare directly into his piercing red ones. 

"To answer your question," Scott finally said, "I've only had one reason for whatever I've done."

The demon couldn't help but pause for a bit of dramatic effect. He applied a bit of pressure with his thumb on Jimmy's chin and leaned in closer. Delighted when he was met with no resistance. Scott stopped when his and Jimmy's lips were almost touching. Then, he whispered five words which made Jimmy's blood run deathly cold and his heart thunder out of his chest as panic steadily rose within him.

"I did it for love."


I recently found this fic in my drafts, read through it and didn't like any of what I had before. I think I wrote the original version of this in early 2022 and OH GOD it showed. But, after a few hours of rewriting, I'm happy with the end product and I hope y'all are too. And yes, I was originally inspired by "One More Hour" by Tame Impala when it was trending on cosplay tiktok sometime around late 2021/early 2022. Sue me 😅 

Have a good rest of your day/night!

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