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We were joking around? C'mon, even I could've come up with a better excuse than that.

Owen, the idiot, was more than happy to touch me until he realised exactly who he was touching. The entire situation was nothing short of amusing. I mean, I knew myself, that I'd changed quite a bit physically since high school. But to hear and see Owen shamelessly flirt with me was a bit of an ego boost - which I hate to admit.

"Cam, you good?" Logan scrunches his eyebrows together, and I almost laugh at how concerned he looks right now. Owen went off to who knows where, probably trying his luck with every other girl, leaving Logan and I to ourselves near the crowded kitchen - which is occupied by more than a few people already drunk out of their minds.

Behind Logan, I see his friend and teammate, Reid, making his way towards us.

Logan and Reid signed to the Boston Bruins at around the same time. That meant the two quickly became friends.

I remember meeting Reid for the first time after they had just won their fourth game in a row. Of course, when I met him, I was slightly intoxicated - okay, maybe more than slightly intoxicated - so I was a lot more laid back and smiley, laughing at almost every second word that came out of his mouth.

He didn't seem to mind though, and even went out of his way to drive me to Logan's apartment at the time, while Logan stayed back at the bar, celebrating with the rest of his teammates. He was definitely one of the more approachable players on the team.

"Perfect." I flash Logan a smile to reassure him that I'm fine and it does its intended job. Reid strides over, calling out Logan's name. This shifts my brother's attention from me to his friend as they share one of their "bro hugs."

Reid turns to face me next, grinning cheekily as he says, "How have you been Cam? It's been like, what, a year since you've come down to Boston to visit? Logan didn't scare you away now, did he?" He pulls me into a quick hug, the stubble on his face rubbing against my neck as he does.

"No, but your failed attempt at growing a beard might have." Logan chuckles as Reid stares at him in disbelief. His dark brown eyes widen slightly, as he raises his eyebrows, and lightheartedly laughs at Logan's comment.

"Dude, ouch. I thought we were feeling the stubble?" Reid and Logan continue to banter back and forth about his 'beard' and gradually move onto talking about hockey. Somehow, hockey always ends up being the main topic of conversation, whether it's intentional or not. I take that as my cue to slip away and decide to find somewhere not too crowded to sit, maybe somewhere where I can actually breathe.

I make my way through more people, taking note of everything that makes contact with my skin from sweaty bodies, to spilt alcohol on the floor. I groan, wanting to immediately go home and shower until I no longer feel all sticky and gross.

Finally spotting a couch that is somewhat empty, I release a breath I didn't know I was holding. I carefully walk in between beer bottle filled tables and make myself comfortable. Next to me, a blonde haired girl in a black mini-skirt and matching coloured tube top absentmindedly stares at everyone else dancing.

I notice that her gaze keeps wandering towards the couch right across from us. I glance over at what seems to be two girls obviously flirting with a guy who seems to be oblivious to the situation. He ignores the two girls and continues to animatedly talk with three of his friends - one being my brother? - who sit to the right of him. Wait. Is that Owen? No fucking way.

"Every night, a new girl huh?" The girl next to me says.

I raise my eyebrows and almost chuckle at the realisation that she's talking to herself, and that her pissed off expression seems to be directed at the very guy sitting across from us. Seems like we have something in common.

She definitely doesn't look like she's in a particularly 'partying' mood as she stares intensely at the scenario unfolding in front of us. God, the poor girl looks like she just got cheated on.

I nudge her shoulder and she looks surprised to see that she's not the only person sitting on the couch.

"I wouldn't waste my time on him. I heard he recently tested positive for chlamydia."

Immediately she looks alarmed and I almost want to take back what I said. Key word: almost.

She shuffles a bit closer to me on the couch and whisper shouts, "No fucking way, I slept with him literally yesterday! The guy couldn't even remember my name, I was absolutely mortified. Catching a STD off the asshole would just top it off."

I bite the inside of my cheek to suppress a laugh at the comment. I ignore the slight pang of disappointment I feel and remind myself that I shouldn't expect anything different from him. Guess not much has changed since high school.

"Well, he's a dick. You're gorgeous, trust me you're better off. I'm Cameron by the way, nice to meet you..."

"Marisa." She finishes off.

I smile at my new friend and suddenly an idea comes to mind.

"Have you watched Friends?"

"Want to come to my place after?" The girl clutching to Owens chest squeaks as she lazily runs her nails up and down his arm. Owen smirks back at her and whispers something, more than likely sexual, in her ear.

Marisa gives me a final glance, before she grins and confidently walks up to where Owen and the girl are sitting.

"I personally wouldn't sleep with him, if I was you, babe. He gave me an STD!" Marisa chucks her red solo cup that's filled with beer at Owen's face.

The girls surrounding him look horrified and the one that was clinging onto him mere seconds ago releases his arm as quickly as she had held onto it. I almost want to burst into laughter right there and then.

Marisa's comment also catches the attention of Owen's friends - who look on with amusement laughing - as well as a few other people, who begin to surround the living room in order to see what the commotion is about.

Already, I can see a couple of people with their phone in hand recording Marisa's outburst. I almost feel bad that this will most likely be leaked on social media, but then I remember that his reputation surrounding women is already tainted. The guilt evaporates just as fast as it appeared.

Grinning, I get up off the couch, holding my own red solo cup, and make my way to where Marisa still stands smirking at Owen, who looks dumbfounded by the situation.

"And I didn't even finish!" I chuck my drink at his face as well.

Logan suddenly stands up, picks up a cup off the table and says, "And you told coach the thong in your duffel bag was mine, you asshole!" He chucks his drink too.

By now, the girls have already walked off. Owen stands and glares down at me. Beer is still dripping down his chin and onto his shirt, which is now all sticky and wet. If anything, the shirt seems to cling to his body and accentuate his already muscular build. How he somehow manages to still look good with beer all over him is beyond me.

"Are you three done now?" He says in a gruff voice and rolls his eyes. However, his lips curl involuntarily, despite him trying his best to hide his amusement. Yup, he definitely hasn't changed at all.

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