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1st person POV..

"Ok problem children hoped you all did your homework and actually thought of some hero names." Aizawa says.

"I will be calling by row." I sigh in relief as I'm in the middle row.

I listen to all my classmates hero names which were really cool! Bakugou's hero name was interesting. I guess he really wants to be called lord explosion murder. Weird hero name if it has murder in it.

Honestly maybe Bakugou should change his hero name to hmm well, his quirk is explosion so maybe dynamite?

"Y/n L/n." Aizawa calls. I gulp. I've never been good at public speaking. I take my board that had my hero name on it and walked to the front of the class.

Midnight was staring holes into my soul.

"U-uhm my hero name is going to be.." I look up at my classmates attempting to flush down my fears.

I mean I'm in class 1-A they would never judge people not even the Katsuki Bakugou.

"My hero name is Malfunction." I say a bit more confidently. Midnight begins cheering and praising the hero name.

"That's a name of a hero!" Midnight squeals. Honestly Midnight reminds me of those obsessed fan girls.

I walk back to my seat. "Nice hero name L/n!" Kaminari smiles. I smile back. I look over at Todoroki which would be impossible to make an excuse over if someone caught me staring.

Todoroki sat a couple of seats behind me. Todoroki looks up and stares back. I blush really hard and quickly move my head and look at the ground.

Why did I do that? Is it just me or is it hot in here?

"Shoto Todoroki." Aizawa calls. Todoroki comes up to the front of the class holding up his hero name.

"Shoto." Todoroki said.

"What!? Just your first name? You could of been like icy fire or something!" Midnight pouts.

I attempt to hold my laughter in.

Kaminari stares at me holding his laughter too. Shit Aizawa is going to kill us. "Pfft-" Todoroki stares at me giving me a emotionless stare like always.

Todoroki walks past me patting my head. I stop laughing and turn red. Kaminari begins laughing.

"Oi! What the hell are y'all laughing at?" Aizawa asks.

"Nevermind I don't care I don't get paid enough." Aizawa seethes.
"Hey L/n." Todoroki greets. I wave and smile.

"Do you want to sit with me at lunch?" Todoroki asks. A tint of red appeared on my cheeks.

"Sure!" I smile. The bell rings indicating that it's now fourth period.

"See ya at lunch Todoroki!" I yell running to my classroom.

Y/n L/n's schedule
(ik in highschool you don't have homerooms but I'm pretty sure in mha everyone has a homeroom. Right?
1st period-Aizawa
2nd period-Mic
Locker break..
3rd period-Midnight
4th period-All-might
5th period-some support class(idk make up a teacher..)

I walk into my fourth period class finding my seat.

"I am he-!" All-Might gets cut off by blood coming out of his mouth. That still freaks me out even after the Kamino incident.

"Well, today kids we will be going to the field. I'll explain more later go get your hero uniforms and meet up at the fields!" All-Might yells.

I walk into the boys locker room with my hero uniform. I strip off all my clothes except my boxers and put on my hero uniform.

I put on my accessories and leave the lockers with my friend Midoriya.

"Ok kids, so today we will be doing a 1v1." All might explains.

"So heres who is fighting who.."

Aoyoma and Mina

Kirishima and Hakugare

Midoriya and Uraraka

Momo and Todoroki

Iida and Ojirou

Jirou and Kaminari

Sato and Shoji

Koda and Tokoyami

Mineta and Sero

Bakugou and L/n
Holy shit! I have to fight the Katsuki Bakugou!

I know he is my friend and I'm apart of his squad which Mina made up the Bakusquad, but this dude scares the shit out of me.

He is gonna eliminate me!

"Alright kids! First up Mineta and Sero. Everyone back up a bit so we can give our heroes in training space to fight!" All-Might yells.

Everyone and me back up a 'bit'. We really moved a lot.

I watch as the ugly perverted midget ass bitch struggled against the tape Sero trapped him in.

'Suffocate him my dear bro.' I know it's not heroic to want someone to die, but there's always an exception when it comes to that grape head.

"Next up is.. Bakugou and L/n!" All-might yells. No. Fuck. I dread this. Why couldn't we be last!?

I slowly walk up to the middle of the field with Bakugou. "Ok kids this time we're going to need to back up a bit more." All-Might says with a bead of sweat coming down his face.

"More." All-Might says. The class backs up more. This was awkward.

I look over to Bakugou. He was smirking. I blink and begin to pray.

'God if you're listening. Please let me in Heaven I know how many books I've read and other stuff, but today I think I'm a changed bout to be dead man.'

"And begin!" All-Might says.

To be continued...

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