Important, If You Read The Story

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Somethings you need to know before reading:

- Dale, Addison's dad, is a werewolf. However, he never touched a Moonstone. He does know about himself, but he decided to stay as a 'human'. Missy, his wife, know this and she's half alien. (I have watch all zombie movies. Which one was your favorite if you have seen them?) They aren't bad parents and each year, they go visit Dale's parents and have a family reunion there with Missy's parents too. Even if Dale isn't fully a werewolf without a Moonstone, he still has some characteristics of a wolf, such as his senses are heightened, and he was able to find his soulmate, Missy.
- Addison does not have the 'spark' that defines her as an extraterrestrial. While she was living at her grandparents', she decided she didn't want to stay human and find out which group she belong to, so she was presented with a Moonstone and a Luma Lens. The Luma Lens didn't work with her, they gave her a week with it because she only has a fourth of alien DNA. The Moonstone, did.
- Bucky is also a werewolf. But he was able to find a way to hide it without taking off the Moonstone. He stayed with Addison and their grandparents when they were younger due to the fact that his father (human) was also busy with work while his mother (werewolf) died giving birth. He's more open-minded, and cares about Addison as if she was his sister. He is a bit egoistic, but the main reason for that personality is to not have people finding out about Addison, who doesn't like large crowds around here asking questions and she feels like they would judge her and leave her if someone ever found out.
- The reason her grandparents have fully charged Moonstones is because once they find their soulmates, they can either stay with the pack or go make their small pack, though if they are called, they have to go. They give five fully charged Moonstones to the mates that decided to go on their own.
- Species have three scents on them: their specie's, their soulmate's, and their own. However, only werewolves are able to smell their soul mate due to the fact that they can smell from long distances, they have a strong sense of smell.
- Eliza is lesbian, and I might have other characters such as Willa and Wynter be lesbians too. So go hate somewhere else is you don't like it. Jacey is with Bucky, they seem like a nice pair. So... Yeah.
- I have nothing against Bree and Bonzo being together, but in this story, they are going to be best friends and nothing else. I have seen Bree and Zed, and I might go with it, but most likely not. Bonzo is going to be with Lacey. The Acey's are not mean and judgmental in this, due to the shipping. The Acey's we're not the ones that haywired Zed's Z band; it was a zombie boy who was obsessed with Eliza, even though she has rejected him every time, and he wanted to see the zombie revolution. He was sent to jail for the rest of his life since he was what some beings would call him: a yandere.
- The aliens might make an entrance in the story, but the story starts close to the beginning of Zombies 2, and the end of Zombies 1.
- Addison found the Moonstone once she went back to Seabrook at the age of 13 and 8 months and was able to recover it. It was in the power plant building. Since the werewolves changed their den location and haven't called her grandparents, no-one knew where they were located. So, they hid it in Addison's backyard as an ornament. Of course, they hid it safely in case someone pops up in their backyard and they don't see it.

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