chapter 1

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Daily activities 

It was the next day I came into the class to see only a few students, one of those students was Nakanaka-san my new friend. 

"good morning naka-san"

"oh good morning, hey did you know that a new game just came out" she starts the conversation

"ohh yea it's called Duty Calls right, I was planning to buy the game after school are you gonna buy it too"

"hahaha, you see I already bought the game yesterday 2 hours after it was released" she said puffing her chest proudly

"wait, wasn't the game released at 12.00 pm" I stared at her with dotted eyes

"hehe " she looked away

"what time did you sleep Naka-san!" I ask concerned

"uhh, who knows" she started to whistle

"Arsot Les Primavera speak  truth or else" I used her lore name

"Sleep is for the weak!!"

Time Skip

It's lunch now so me and Nakanaka-san decided to eat together though I did make a lot of friends yesterday but Nakanaka-san is the funnest  out of all of them.

"naka-san, what you did you get for lunch today"

"A regular bento"

"same here wanna trade side dishes? " I asked her

"sure, you can have one of my sausages " she answered

she put one of her sausages on my box and I was about to do the same until I decided to tease her a bit.

"Say ahh~" I say smirking as I hold one of the pieces of chicken with my chopsticks

"e-ehh" she was startled but eventually opened her mouth and and ate it

"haha it's good right, I made it myself" laughing at her reaction

"y-yea it's really good" she said looking away from me

'yea she's the funnest'

Time Skip

'haaah it's finally over' I thought while stretching my arms up 

"man, today was a hard day huh" I said to Naka-san

"yea, I feel dizzy from math" she said laying her head on the desk 

"cmon get up, it's time to go" I say shaking her body

"*sigh* fine"

she got up and grabbed her bag so we started to walk to Nakanaka-san house while walking she started to talk about the Duty calls game and how the graphics and content was awesome while I just jump in a few time cause I haven't played the.

we finally arrived at Nakanaka-san's house and we said our goodbyes, of course we already exchange numbers so we can talk any time.

I was walking to the train station and saw an interesting interaction with Komi and two delinquents  ending in them running away from her which was amusing to see.

after taking the train I finally made it to my dojo like home (your family inherited the Ubuyashiki estate though it had a lot of changes)

"I'm home!" I yelled for my mom while taking off my shoes 

"welcome home dear, I'm in the kitchen"

I began walking to the kitchen when suddenly a crow landed on my head

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