Part 1

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At 7:00am 1983 when I woke up in a very black van.
I was so scared but then..there was a man in a red outfit with a mask with a circle on it I was so confused but then I started to feel dizzy as I drifted of into a big big sleep.when I woke up in a massive room there was so many people... I looked up on a board and it said.....621 contestants remaining.I got out of the bed and their was people in corners and then the people in the red hood and mask were handing out the food. I got the first pick it was disgusting I didn't even eat the rest so I can't it to a old man he had a number and it was.....001 I'm thinking he was the first one to be here but I was the 067 this guy started hitting me and tossing me around I told one of the guards they did nothing about it I was going to kill them!!

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