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Hi this is the reader introduction.

Y/n personality
Y/n is kind, reliable, smart, sweet,
Humble, but when you pissed her you are so dead, just stay at her bright side.

Some y/n's back story
Since she was a kid she has no friend because they always make fun of her hair because you hair is color orange you started to hate your hair when you are 7 Year's old, three years later, you meet a boy at the school play ground he approached you first his name is ran but he didn't said his last name, and he start to talk to you, while you are confused of how is he talking to you, he asked you of why you're alone.

you said the reason and he just laugh, you stare at him in confusion, he said that your hair is beautiful, your cheeks start to blush and you just looked away, and from that day you two become friends and you felt something in your heart when your with him.

After one year of being friends with him, your family needs to move out and find a new place, and you didn't see him after you bid your Goodbye to him.

207 words

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